xp outdoors

Crew Hamill was amazing today in xp outdoors. We did a bit of bug hunting where we found loads of amazing creatures and then we climbed some trees before ending our session with playing a game of 123 where are you?

Strengthening Crew

This week, our Crew Guiding Question was: How can crew be strengthened through acts of service?

We discussed what it meant to be part of a crew and how we could make this stronger by doing an act of service for others – something that would make them smile! 🙂 Following this, we decided that we were going to bake a tasty treat and create positive postcards to hand out to people around school that have done something kind that we are thankful for. This included the ladies in the office who work tirelessly to keep the school running, the ladies in the kitchen who prepare all our meals and some of the teachers who we feel helped us on a personal level.

We certainly felt like a solidified, happy crew once we had finished!

Space Art

Today, Crew Hamill proved what fabulous artists they are by fully engaging themselves in a painting of either the Sun or the Moon. After researching the artist Andy Warhol, we used our inspiration to create images of the Sun or Moon in outer space. We used a variety of skills and tools in order to produce these including the use of varying brush strokes, dabbing of a sponge and flicking of a toothbrush to create different elements of our image.


To kick start our expedition, Upper Key Stage 2 were whisked off to the Milky Way within the amazing Wonderdome. We were able to fully immerse ourselves into our solar system, exploring each of the planets and learning in-depth information about the Sun, Earth and Moon. Matt, our space expert, was extremely knowledgable about all things space – past, present and future. We were able to discover that Earth is the only planet that humans can live on as it is in the habitable zone (also known as the Goldilocks zone) where the conditions – temperature, water and oxygen – are just right! We were also taught about the first astronauts to travel into space and land on the moon. Did you know there were THREE astronauts? Interestingly, it wasn’t just Neil Armstrong (the first man to step on the Moon) but it was also Buzz Aldrin, who walked on the Moon’s surface alongside Neil, and Michael Collins, who stayed in the space craft to keep it safe. We were excited to find out that there will be another attempt to travel to the Moon next year, with 4 new astronauts set to orbit the moon!