Christmas Art

Crew Hamill continued their Christmas art today by practicing some art skills required for their final piece whilst also producing their first drafts. We used outlines of heads which had been split into segments to practice our small brush strokes and our accuracy. We weren’t allowed to go over the lines and we had to make sure we used small brush strokes which will be required for our final piece.

Once we had done this, we then drew some circles that mimic the shape of our final piece and produced a step by step draft of the design we will be painting on to our Christmas baubles. This gave us multiple attempts at perfecting our brush strokes and making sure we were happy with the shape and design.

Beautiful Work

Starting Friday and continuing today, Crew Hamill have been working on producing beautiful work they are proud of, in line with our Get Smart HoWL, to produce a full non-chronological report. We have used our writing from the last few weeks that we have edited and improved in order to fully answer our guiding question for this term: How does movement affect our world? We created an introductory plot point as well as two detailed paragraphs on how the movement of the planets and forces impact on our daily life. We’ve then used what we know about the layout of non-chronological reports to write this up in our most beautiful handwriting, supported by our handwriting lines. We’ve even illustrated these with relevant pictures.

Visit to Santa!

Crew Hamill loved their visit to Santa yesterday and we didn’t let the Grinch scare us. (Well, not too much!) How lovely to receive a gift each – some of us have started reading them already! 🙂

Scotty’s Heroes

Crew Hamill were very lucky on Friday and were able to take part in an extra Scotty’s session which focused on survival skills. We carefully followed instructions to use a flint and steel to create fire! We began by learning how to use the flint and steel properly to create sparks and then used this to set a piece of cotton wool on fire. Once we’d mastered this skill, we added some vaseline to our cotton wool balls and set them alight again. This time, they burned for longer and create a flame! We had SO much fun!

DT – Creating our product

Crew Hamill have worked really hard during Case Study 3 – Design and Technology – to look at creating a moving toy that has a mechanism inside it. We have worked hard to plan out what our product is going to look like, concentrating on measurements as well as the design itself. We have then begun to follow step by step instructions to begin to bring our designs to life!

Writing to answer our guiding question

Crew Hamill were so excited to get started with their first proper piece of writing in order to show off just how much knowledge we have gained during our grammar focus at the start of this year. We started by using our knowledge of subjects, verbs and leftovers to help Miss Hamill punctuate her model text. Once we had done this, we planned out what we were going to write in our own piece by using a subject, verb, leftover structure. We then worked as a crew to help Miss Hamill turn her plan into paragraphs, looking to see if we could join any of our single clause sentences together with a FANBOYS conjunction or if we could extend our sentences by adding leftovers at the beginning of the clause. We then put this into action ourselves to create our own paragraphs of writing.