The children have checked on their sunflower today and we are happy to say that they’ve started to grow. The childrem are really looking forward to taking these home at the end of term.

The children have checked on their sunflower today and we are happy to say that they’ve started to grow. The childrem are really looking forward to taking these home at the end of term.
Today we worked in small groups to present our final word presentations to an audience. Our presentations to our parents are getting closer so we are refining our speaking and listening skills ready for the big day 🙂 It was lovely for children to share their journeys with other crew members then give critique for improvement.
Today we started a unit of work on Christianity. We looked at a variety of pictures from a family home, thinking about what we could see and then thinking about what type of home the pictures have come from. We then discussed the pictures in more detail thinking about how some of the pictures related to Christianity. We then became detectives where we tried to make links between the items and thought about the importances of each item. From here we ordered our items from the most important to the least important which raised some great discussions! We really challenged each others thinking.
We then moved on to looking at a weekly calendar thinking about our families and what would go on our own weekly calendar. We then watched a clip on a boy called Nathan. We thought about all the things he does in his week and added this to a calendar. We annotated the calendar to say why he is choosing to do certain things.
In our debrief we thought about challenges Christian’s face and what a Sunday morning may look like for a Christian compared to our Sunday morning. We also thought about all the good things about being a Christian. What a fantastic lesson this was! Such great collaboration and discussions taking place 🙂
So part of xp outdoors this term the whole school have done planting. Here are what year 6 did crew MI (Sunflowers) At the end of the term the children will be able to take them home.
This morning, we carried reading on our novel ‘Holes’ which we are really enjoying. Instead of just answering questions we had a matching activity where we had to match the question to the answer. This was really fun and really got us thinking about what the question was asking us.
Also big shout out for some great text marking. We are getting so good at this now and it really shows we are understanding what we are reading.
Fantastic session today. The children made an observation shelter and the winning team were the girls Maddie, Sienna, Frankie, Harper, Sophia and Heidi. Well done girls
Our UKS2 families had a lovely morning, spending time together whilst having a good old bacon buttie and a cuppa!
In crew MI today the children came in their favourite pyjamas .Dads and grandads came in at end of school to read with them and some children made their own book markers or did a book review.
Crew Godley were so lucky today today to be able to share some stories with Crew MI, we listened carefully and explored the stories together developing our speaking and listening skills 📚