Young Voices 2023 – Consent Form

If your child currently attends ‘Young Voices’ after school club, please ensure you have completed the consent form on ParentPay to confirm their place for the Young Voices performance at Utilita Arena, Sheffield on Friday 10th February 2023. Unfortunately, if any children do not have consent then they will be unable to attend the performance.

Girls football tournament! ⚽️

Luckily, the weather turned around after a soggy start this morning an we were able to play our long awaited football tournament. With some new players starting today, it was a great showcase of enjoyment and pride. The girls really loved the games that they played, all smiled (even after late tackles) and encouraged each other to be their best. It was a joy to watch.

Our Year 3/4 team played their first game together and managed to finish third, which we are so proud of. This was the first time for a number of them playing a football game today. There were so many great performances, but Daisy was like a hoover in defence, vacuuming up any dangerous passes. She takes the player of the tournament for Year 3/4.

For our Year 5/6 team, some of the girls had played previously, but there were some new starters. As the tournament champions, they have also made us feel really proud. With lots of great displays all over the pitch, the girls managed to win all of their games, against some tough opposition. Madi takes the player of the tournament, with some great tackles in midfield.

We can’t wait for more tournaments in the future!

MI start case study 3

Today we started case study 3. We thought about what we already know about coding and created a KWL grid. We then discussed what coding is and watched a clip on binary, building background knowledge. After, we used an alphabet chart to build our name in binary!

We then watched another clip to find out what coding actually is. We added our findings to our KWL grid. The next clip proved how much our lives depend on coding! Finally we worked collaboratively to create a group code, we had to ensure our instructions were clear and could be followed. We then thought about the guiding question and how coding helps movement in our world.

Critique in MI

During expedition we read the feedback from our independent writing then made further edits and improvements to our work. We then allowed our partner to read our work and they offered further critique before we made our final improvements. Some fantastic pieces of writing!

A great caring crew in MI

A really fantastic crew session as part of our caring crew. We built on our knowledge from our previous crew session on what makes a good friend. We used word art to create our own representation then created our own anchor chart to show examples of what the words mean to us personally. Some great discussions and explanations of our work during our debrief.

World Cup Blog

Dear parents and carers, 

As I am sure many of you are aware, the world cup is fast approaching. We know that there is controversy surrounding the hosts of this and that there are some issues regarding Qatar. Many of our students are asking whether we will be watching the England match next week.  The purpose of this letter is to clarify our position around the controversy and what we intend to do with students to support their education in regards to this. 

It is important that we share the concern regarding the ongoing human rights record in Qatar. As a school, we have activism as a pillar of our curriculum and know it is important that as citizens of the UK we support our pupils in learning how to respectfully fight for what they believe is right. At the heart of our education, we teach our pupils the importance of having choice and valuing the choices they have in the UK. 

We will have special crew sessions next week planned to ensure that pupils are aware, at their sensitive level of understanding,  of what the controversy is about and we are using this as an opportunity to continue to develop children’s understandings of British Values.

On Tuesday 29th November, school will have a non uniform day where children can come dressed in their football/England shirts, however this is not essential as we understand some parents may be opting out of watching the World Cup this year. 

Beautiful work in MI

Today we took part in a discrete handwriting session then applied our learning to our non chronological reports. These are well on their way now and we all can’t wait to finish them. We have ensured we have produced beautiful work that we are proud of 🙂 Great work MI!