World Cup Blog

Dear parents and carers, 

As I am sure many of you are aware, the world cup is fast approaching. We know that there is controversy surrounding the hosts of this and that there are some issues regarding Qatar. Many of our students are asking whether we will be watching the England match next week.  The purpose of this letter is to clarify our position around the controversy and what we intend to do with students to support their education in regards to this. 

It is important that we share the concern regarding the ongoing human rights record in Qatar. As a school, we have activism as a pillar of our curriculum and know it is important that as citizens of the UK we support our pupils in learning how to respectfully fight for what they believe is right. At the heart of our education, we teach our pupils the importance of having choice and valuing the choices they have in the UK. 

We will have special crew sessions next week planned to ensure that pupils are aware, at their sensitive level of understanding,  of what the controversy is about and we are using this as an opportunity to continue to develop children’s understandings of British Values.

On Tuesday 29th November, school will have a non uniform day where children can come dressed in their football/England shirts, however this is not essential as we understand some parents may be opting out of watching the World Cup this year.