We had such a fun time in challenge crew this morning, taking part in a variety of team building activities which also required effective communication. The first activity allowed us to learn more about each other 🙂

We had such a fun time in challenge crew this morning, taking part in a variety of team building activities which also required effective communication. The first activity allowed us to learn more about each other 🙂
Last session today with coach Luke before half term and then they move onto dance. The children are really excited to start something new but sad to see coach Luke go.
LKS2 children enjoyed sharing their expedition work with UKS2 on Friday afternoon. What a wonderful way to finish the week. It was lovely to see how engaged the children were and how impressed our crew were with UKS2’s handwriting.
Today in maths we continued with our work on ratio but we also linked this to fractions. A great understanding by all 🙂 Great focus today everyone.
Today we really explored how to answer 3 mark questions around impressions. We recapped how we use APE to answer these type of questions, ensuring we use evidence from the text to support answers. We looked at a given example and unpicked the amount of marks the answer was worth linking to the impressions and evidence given. We tried hard to use the rules of critique when doing this. We then tried to give our own impressions of a character, using the text to support us.
Today we celebrated E-Safety day thinking about how we keep ourselves and others safe online. We enjoyed discussing this years theme, ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’ There were lots of great discussions around this topic which raised many different ideas and allowed us to really challenge our thinking around certain themes. We then decided that we wanted to showcase all of our thoughts together around staying safe online. We all took one of the stands we had thought of as a crew and showed our ideas on online safety. Here you can see our final version altogether. Some great discussions, ideas and posters today MI 🙂
Wow, wow, wow! Some incredible writing in MI this week 🙂 Children have edited and redrafted their diary entries and have shown real dedication and resilience doing this. They have really shown such positive attitudes, using their target grids to ensure they are using all of the features needed. Super proud MI 🙂
Today MI was introduced to a new text in our reading lesson. We used an image to think about what we notice, what the image reminded us of, what we would like to know and then we thought about what may happen in the text. There was some great and interesting conversations which challenged our thought process. We then used a variety of strategies to read the text, thinking about the pace of our reading but ensuring we were fluent. As we read, we thought about some of the vocabulary. We used a range of strategies to unpick some of the more challenging language and applied definitions to our own text. This then helped us with our next activity. We worked in mini crews to build a vocabulary jigsaw where we had to match different words to their definition. A great job by all 🙂
Our do now activity in maths today was exploring a variety of worded problems. This is something that came up in our recent maths assessments so we enjoyed working collaboratively to unpick each question, deciding on the correct operation and the steps needed to solve the problems. We are going to continue to explore these types of problems in our do now activities over the next couple of weeks.
We ended celebrating this week by Crew Mcloughlin and MI reading to Y3/4 children. Y6 were so excited to share their recent setting description and diary’s that they had written; we felt like real authors! It was lovely to see so many kind words of praise from the younger children (not so much between siblings 😬). Y3/4 praised our beautiful handwriting, how thought out and detailed our writing was and even voted some children to be hoWL hero. All the Y6 children thought it was an amazing experience and have said we should do it again!