
This week we ventured to the library where we chose our own book to read. We are thoroughly enjoying reading and having miss listen to us read.

Being scientists in hook week 🥼👩‍🔬👨‍🔬

In our expeditionary learning we started to wonder about how we see and how light travels. We watched a variety of clips to understand the different parts of the eye, how they help us see and how these parts are similar to a camera. We even used pen torches (like a real nurse/doctor) to see how our pupils got smaller to let less light in.

We then took part in a scientific investigation where we explored the question, ‘How do we know that light travels in straight lines?’ We used given equipment to set up our investigation and worked well in mini crews, ensuring everyone had a role. After discussions and a debrief, we started to think about writing up our scientific reports and what we would need to include.

How do we see objects? You may just think its all down to our eyes but actually its light reflecting off objects into our eyes. We even explored green standard explaining how we see colour. Today we made our own periscopes to see around corners to further understand light and how we see.

Challenge Crew

In challenge crew we got into groups of 4 and were given one piece of flip chart paper. When miss shouted ’all aboard’ we had to work as a team to ensure we all were stood on the paper so we were not stood in shark invested water! The challenge increasingly got harder as we had to fold our paper in half. Two teams were successfully ’all aboard’ and showed great thinking outside the box!

UKS2 educating Carcroft community 🚀

The learning expedition culminated when we hosted an education expo at school to share our learning journey with parents and family members from the local community.  Here, we demonstrated our understanding of space, forces and computing through a range of presentations, films and live investigations as well as explaining just how movement affects our world.  We have compiled this into a video as a celebration of learning to create a lasting legacy of this expedition.  We also hope that this event has given the local community more reasons to become involved in our school life and appreciate our everyday journey in working hard and being kind to get smart. Check out our final product here incase you missed todays celebration of learning.

Thank you so much to parents who have been involved in the presentation and celebration of learning, it is very much appreciated. The children have loved showing off their learning to you and heres to another great term of expeditionary learning!

UKS2 Crew

Carol singing in UKS2

Today we delivered our UKS2 carol concert to our families and what a lovely celebration it was. We all enjoyed singing a variety of songs with Mrs Ibbotson doing an amazing job playing the piano. We then continued with the festivities by enjoying a mince pie, hot chocolate and a few biscuits! What a lovely morning 🙂 We are all super proud of each and every crew and we hope everyone has a lovely festive period. Merry Christmas from all of the UKS2 crew and heres to a happy and healthy new year.