Bob Marley discussions in MI

Our crew check in this morning allowed us to choose which Bob Marley song we preferred- Three little birds or Jamming! We enjoyed listening to parts of the songs and explaining our answers. We then moved onto to discussing more on Bob Marley, we looked on google earth at where he lived and explored different pictures. We then explored reggae music in a little more detail, we listened to ‘Hold Em Joe’ and clapped along to the beat. We then explored other famous reggae musicians and songs. We thought about the similarities and differences between the songs and explained our ideas. We then started singing some of the songs by Bob Marley which we all loved 🙂

Crew in MI

Today was the start of national storytelling week! Our crew check in allowed us to share our favourite story. We then discussed storytelling in more detail and watched a clip of the first storytelling Laureate, Taft Thomas MBE. Our eyes were glued to the screen through the video clip and we all loved discussing our thoughts afterwards. We discussed storytelling through time and the importance of oral storytelling. From here we thought about what makes a good storyteller, how they make a story exciting and interesting and what the word ‘suspense’ means to us. We thought about our favourite places to read and share a story, some of these being on a bean bag, laid under a tree in the summer, on a chair, laid on our back, in the library and in a quiet space. Mrs McClare discussed her experiences of storytelling when she young and the stories she remembers the most.

When then moved onto looking at Bob Marley in preparation for the world wide sing a long to celebrate Bob Marley’s 80th birthday. We looked at who Bob Marley is and his legacy. At the end of the day we started practising some of his songs, really thinking about the words and what they mean. We loved singing the songs 🙂 We will continue to look at these in our music lesson tomorrow.

National Story Telling Week

This morning in Crew, we explored the importance of storytelling and how it helps develop our creativity, imagination, and brings the magic of words to life!

Ms. White shared her love for reading real-life texts that she can truly immerse herself in. Sharni-Mae agreed and mentioned she is currently reading a book about a young boy who lost his father in an airplane crash. From this, we decided to look at First News to see what interesting facts we could find, which might inspire stories. Mason found some information with regards to homelessness and Declan found that dogs can smell when we are unwell! Both would make a great fiction story!

SLC practice in MI

Our crew session today allowed us to start practising our Student Led Conference. We have worked really hard in our crew sessions, thinking about our howls, our beautiful work and our academic progress. We will continue to prepare for next week 🙂

Caring Crew

This week in Crew we have been exploring how to keep mentally as well as physically healthy. We explored the term mental health and how we can support this by using different strategies to overcome big feelings. One way we explored today was competing some seated yoga. It was a lot tricker than it looked!

Showing Kindness

With it being our first week back after the Christmas holidays, we have had lots of crew challenges to continue to develop our Be Kind HoWL. We particularly enjoyed the Jelly Baby challenge where we were challenged to look after our Jelly Baby, all day, without eating it! Some of the crew made it a safe space to ensure it was well looked after. Fortunately, five out of the six Jelly Babies survived, with Declan’s still going strong two days later!

Real life heroes!

We have been very fortunate to be lucky recipients of some presents from Santa’s helpers. Ecofficiency have been ever so generous and their wonderful staff have donated some amazing gifts for us to distribute to our school community. We feel so humbled and grateful by this very kind gesture.