Rainbow breathing 🌈🧘🏻

In Crew MW, we have been continuing to look at different feelings. This week we have looked at feeling angry. We talked about times we might feel angry and why we might have those feelings. We then discussed how rainbow breathing could help people who are feeling angry to feel calm and happy again. We followed the tutorial on the screen and we really enjoyed seeing each colour appear after each inhale and exhale.

Crew Marsh get Arty 👩‍🎨

During our writing lesson, some children access labs of learning to enhance their knowledge of vocabulary which they then use in their pieces of writing. Today the children were shown how to use the iPads to access a QR code which then led to a step by step video teaching them how to draw Little Red Riding Hood. The children worked in pairs to do this and all worked extremely hard to use these new skills and produced a great piece of art work!

Keeping Carcroft clean 🚮

Some children from Crew Marsh explored the outdoor area of our School today. We spoke about the importance of litter picking but also making sure it is safe to do so. Some of them were quite shocked at how much they found but also quite impressed that they could all hold the huge pipe they found too! They did a great job and hopefully they spread their enthusiasm about keeping their environment safe to others in the community 👏

Caring Crew ❤️

I was very lucky this morning to be able to visit Crew Thompson and what a lovely treat I had! The children were checking into crew with the question, ‘What is your spirit animal and why?’. The care and compassion the children held for each other showed how much this crew worked hard, to be kind. The children articulated beautifully why they were protectors, shy, resilient, emotional and many more qualities….. They supported and praised each other, I was blown away by the language used and how much the children had already adapted to the challenges of Year 3.

Mindful yoga 🧘🏻‍♂️🧘🏼‍♀️

During crew on Monday, we talked about different ‘sad’ feelings. We discussed that not only can people feel sad, they can feel anxious, worried, frightened, upset, afraid and scared at times too. There are lots of different reasons why people might be feeling like this and we decided that we would like to think about how to make people happy and calm again and get them into the green zone. One way that could help someone feel positive again is by doing mindful yoga. We decided to give it a try ourselves and it certainly made us feel happy – look at those super smiley faces!

Show and tell crew 💕

KS1 have decided that every Friday we want to hold and show and tell crew where children can share something from outside of school with their crew. It’s a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better and practise our speaking and listening skills.

Crew Shields Praise!

A huge well done to Crew Shields this week.

We’ve had lots more children reading at home and almost everyone has returned their homework which means I’ve been able to give out lots of raffle tickets. In addition, nearly everyone has scored 7 or more out of 10 on their spelling test. You’ve smashed it this week! Keep it up!