SLC Praise – LKS2

What a wonderful we have had in LKS2. It has been wonderful to listen to the children reflect on their achievements in the Autumn Term and celebrate their learning with their family. It was lovely to see how much knowledge they had remembered about the Second World War. Each and every child who attended their SLCs did such an amazing job and we are exceptionally proud of them all. We cannot wait to see what happens during our Spring Term.

Thank you to all those who attended, we hope you enjoyed them as much as we did.

Keep up the great work LKS2!

LKS2 Hook Week

During our hook week, the children in LKS2 enjoyed learning about what plants needs to survive and of course the different parts of a flowering plant. They even planted their very own seed, we cannot wait to watch them grow.

We also learned about sustainability and shared the different ways that we can be more sustainable at school and at home. The children created some eye catching posters to remind others as well as making their own pledge. It was wonderful to see the children share their praises and notices for each other’s posters. The children were eager to share their ideas and they could explain how some small changes can make a big difference.

Completing Crazy Circuits!

This week as part of our Expedition, ‘The Power of Life’, children have really enjoyed creating, exploring and investigating circuits in Crew Pashley. Initially, children were given the key components and left to work as mini crews to create a simple circuits. Some crew members were a whizz at this and completed it within record time! Throughout the week we then explored what happened when additional components were added such as multiple bulbs and multiple batteries. We also spent some time exploring conductors and insulators and the affect that they had on the circuit. Ask us about it and we will happily share our findings! Next week, we will be writing a report all about it!

Attendance Awards

BIG well done to all of these children who achieved 97% or more for their attendance score in the Autumn term! 🙌 All children were given a certificate, a chocolate reindeer (yummy!) and a HUGE round of applause from all of LKS2! Some of the children who achieved 100% are also very much looking forward to receiving a McDonalds this half term as a celebration of their dedication to not missing a day at school! In addition to these rewards, the parents of those children who achieved 97% or more in Autumn 2 were entered into a special prize draw …to win a £10 voucher to spend at Asda! All names were placed in a ‘hat’ and a name was selected at random! All of LKS2 were pleased to announce that it went to Isaacs mum! Well done!  The hard decision now is who will get to spend it?!… Isaac or his parents! Either way, enjoy! Watch out for more exciting rewards  and prizes  this half term, and remember you have to be in it (school every day!) to win it! 

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and thank you so much! 🎄

Today was the last day of Crew Gerrard, so we watched Christmas films, coloured in and just had a great time. It was a strange, surreal day and it was, unfortunately, time to say goodbye. You are an awesome, crazy bunch and I will miss Crew Gerrard very much!

I would just like to thank everyone for their kindness and generosity shown towards myself, whether it is this or previous years. It’s been a blast!