Crew Ferguson Autumn scavenger hunt!

The children in nursery today were set a challenge to collect and see lots of objects linking to Autumn. We worked as a crew to collect leaves, twigs, conkers and feathers. We saw puddles, wriggly worms and even spiders webs! We had to be be kind to the animals and our woodland environment. The children loved exploring and wanted to bring everything they could see back inside to explore further.

Exploring the outdoors in Early Years

As we move into Autumn and Winter, we are really loving exploring the outdoors in our EYFS crews! We’d love it even more if we were allowed to jump in the puddles, make mud pies and explore the water area…but to do this, we need the right clothes! Please can you send us with our wellies and waterproofs so that we can explore our outdoor environments while also keeping our uniforms clean – your washing machines will thank you for it!

Crafty cutting in Crew Nursery

The children in nursery have worked hard to bet smart using their scissors today. We have learnt that we need to point our thumb to the ceiling to cut snips in the paper.

“Its tricky” said Harlow. ”Ive done it” said Archie. The children were so proud of themselves and loved cutting the colourful strips of paper.

Exploring custard in Crew Nursery.

The children in nursery having been looking at the word “soft”. We explored custard in our tough tray and spoke about how it feels.

“I think it smells like strawberries, its a bit sticky” said Elsie. ”It’s soft and warm” said Rose.

We have really enjoyed putting our fingers in!

I wonder what we will have in our tough tray next week.

Enjoying tomatoes in Crew Nursery.

In nursery we have fruit and vegetables everyday. We always talk about why we need to eat different foods to stay healthy.

Today we tried tomatoes. All the children held a small tomato and used their senses to explore the fruit.

“It’s very juicy” said Harlow. “It’s cold and hard” said Lucas. Poor Archie smushed his onto his legs and found lots of seeds. All the children were encouraged to take a bite. We praised Keenan who reluctantly held and tried his.

Lots of focus this morning in EYFS and KS1

Crew Bear in Nursery.

Today the children in crew nursery have made their own crew bear. We lovingly stuffed him and made sure we placed a loving heart inside. Each crew member will get the opportunity to take the bear home and have wonderful adventures. We cant wait to read all about what he gets up to.

Having independence in F1.

The children used knifes and forks in the home corner today to practice their cutting skills. They used play dough to roll out different foods and then cut them in half. We spoke about using both a fork and then a knife to cut. The children have really worked hard on this new skill.

International Teddy Bear day in nursery.

We had a brilliant morning on Friday celebrating everything Teddy Bears. The children (and staff) all came to school wearing their PJs so we could enjoy our very own Teddy Bears picnic. The children shared their favourite bears and made jam sandwiches to share at snack time. We worked hard while listening to Teddy Bear stories and enjoyed a special treat as a crew.