After a busy morning learning patterns and phonics in Crew Haigh today – we were very excited to finish the day with a visit to the bounty castle.

After a busy morning learning patterns and phonics in Crew Haigh today – we were very excited to finish the day with a visit to the bounty castle.
Pupils enjoyed an interactive world book day in Crew Haigh, we shared book, sensory stories and especially enjoyed making sandwiches for our tea party
The pupils in Crew Haigh have enjoyed their latest story; Goldilocks And The Three Bears. Sensory story props, making porridge and edible bears (which we obviously loved!) all whilst developing those important motor skills that will help develop our writing – some superb communication and sharing too!
Crew Hamill loved their Scotty’s session today in which they were learning how to successfully use a flint and steel to create a fire. Did you know, if you use vaseline on your cotton pad, it will stay alight longer and your flame will be larger?
Today was AMAZING because it was World Book Day! We got to dress up as our favourite book characters, and everyone looked so cool!
We really enjoyed our sensory story of the Jack and the beanstalk!
Tuesday was the best day ever! We made pancakes, and it was VERY messy (but that’s the fun part!).
First, we mixed all the ingredients in a big bowl. The flour went poof! everywhere, and our faces turned white like snow. We stirred and stirred with big wooden spoons—our arms got super tired, but we didn’t give up!
Then, we scooped the gooey pancake mix into little cups. It was sticky and squishy, and some of it even landed on the table (oops!). But that’s okay because we were having so much fun!
They were the BEST pancakes in the whole wide world!
In our crew session we continued with our discussions on mental and physical health. We talked about how mental health allows us to feel good about ourselves and also cope with challenges. It allows us to build strong relationships, enjoy life and be more resilient. We discussed that we care for our physical health by eating well and exercising, and how we need to do the same with our mental well-being in the same way. We then listened to some mindful music whilst completing some mindful colouring.
Today in crew we started to explore the significance of being mentally healthy alongside physically healthy. We thought about what it means to be happy, activities that help us to feel good and why we think our feelings are important. We then completed a fitness circuit 🙂 Our debrief allowed to explore what mental health is and reasons why it is important to take care of it. The circuit really did set us up for the day 🙂
The children worked in mini crews to go next door and look at certain items placed on a desk, they had to then memorise this as the next time they looked at the desk of items, things had changed. The challenge was to work out what had changed. It’s safe to say we have not got a photographic memory just yet, but we love a good challenge to activate our brains on a morning.
Before the half term we make Valentine’s Day cards for our grown ups, we used our hands to make a flower, we also used toilet roll tubes to make love hearts! We also practiced our hand writing, look how good we’re see getting with writing our names!✍️
In Crew this morning, Crew Hamill looked at the importance of self-care to support with mental health. We discussed the little things we can do each day to look after ourselves in order to make ourselves feel happier and healthier. We then began creating posters for our own self-care activities that we like to do at home.
Crew Hamill were very lucky as they got to take part in some scooter reward time today that they had earned for taking part in the NSPCC TTRS competition. Carcroft school came 617th out of 3623 schools which is absolutely amazing!! As a crew, Crew Hamill came in 508th place! Well done, Crew Hamill!
In today’s challenge crew, Crew Hamill had to work as a team to pass a beach ball around crew circle without using their hands. After a few troubleshooting ideas, they first decided to use their elbows and this was successful! After this, they were challenged to find another way. They tried with their knees but found this much trickier and ended up using their feet.