Estimating numbers to 10000

To consolidate our learning, Crew Hamill took part in a practical lesson in which we became a number line to 10,000 in order to deepen our understanding on how to estimate numbers on a number line. We began by each being a different number, starting with our start and end numbers (0 and 10,000) and adding in the interval half way (5000) and half way again (2500 and 7500). Remaining children were then given a number between 0 and 10,000 and had to decide where they would place themselves along the line, thinking carefully about which of our interval numbers they would stand between and which one they would be closer to based on the value of their number. Once we had done this, we then worked in mini crews to mark on different interval values on number lines to 10,000 and placed a range of numbers where we estimated they belonged onto each line.