Year 6 Transition

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week, the majority of children will have found out which secondary school they have been allocated for September. This is such an exciting time and we hope both you and them are pleased with the school they have been allocated. 

As part of our transition process, we will share lots of information about your child to ensure their new school knows them in as much detail as possible and can be ready to support them from day one.

As part of this, we would like to gather information from you that you feel is important to share or that you would want your child’s new school to know. 

In order to share your views and information, please click this link. This will take you to a secure Google Form with questions to answer about your child. All information provided is kept secure in line with GDPR guidelines and only shared with the named contact at your child’s new school. Please answer the questions in as much detail, and as honestly, as you can as this will really help ensure your child’s new school is able to support them in Year 7.

If you have any questions about transition, please do not hesitate to contact school.