We are Historians

During this case study we are learning about the Egyptians. We have learnt about who they were and recalled key dates. When we were being historians, in our research we soon discovered that the River Nile was extremely important to the Egyptians as they used it for so many different things: helping to grow crops, fresh water, fishing and transporting goods. Because of the River Nile, the Egyptians were successful farmers and were able to grow a variety of foods which they ate to keep themselves healthy. We then compared childhood today to that of Ancient Egypt and experienced what they did for fun; below are some pictures of board games we created inspired my the Egyptians. We further learnt that the Egyptians believed that if they led a healthy lifestyle in this life, this would then mean they would also live a healthy and a good life in the afterlife. Hence, why the Egyptians placed such an importance on having a healthy lifestyle. Despite the Ancient Egyptians living over 5000 years ago, they were also the first to really look into medicine and began to investigate how bodies worked and how best to look after them. They created medicines, gave massages, performed surgery and used honey for its healing properties and even made toothpaste. We also learnt about the process of mummification and how they took great care in preparing bodies for the afterlife.