Exciting news!
We are not yet an XP trust school but it won’t be long now. Therefore, the trust have invited us to be a part of their ‘This Week in the Trust (TWITT)’ video collection. A very exciting way for Carcroft to end a very busy half term…
We are proud to be working with the XP Trust and it’s lovely to be a part of this fabulous weekly showcase. Can you spot anyone from CPS?
This will become a weekly event and will be posted on our website every Friday afternoon. Not only does this go out to our school, this goes out to all XP schools so your child’s beautiful work really is on show across the whole of Doncaster. Amazing! 🙌 Proud of you all 🤩
Finally, may I take this opportunity to thank you for your support and patience this half term. Unlike the media suggests, CPS is very much open this term and has been since our return in January. Our staff are juggling around 220 pupils onsite daily and a further 90 at home. I am extremely proud of each and everyone of them. They’ve done a fabulous job! However, we are also extremely grateful to our parents who are supporting our remote learners, ensuring that they are online and submitting work daily. We know it’s not been an easy task for you. Your resilience and patience has been amazing- thank you so much for this. Ensure you get plenty of rest next week too as you deserve it.
I’m now signing off from what has been a tiring half term but I’m signing off feeling incredibly proud of our community once again.
Stay safe everyone.
See you all back on Monday 22nd February either on-site or online.
Miss Laing