In our RE lesson today we began by working in mini crews (teams) to use our bodies to create different words such as ‘love’, ‘me’ and ‘yes’. This was challenging yet fun and really got us to think about ‘what makes a good team?’. We came up with a list and some of these were communication, listening, all taking part, having a leader and being supportive. We then looked at Christianity and discussed the quote ‘Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it’ taken from the Bible. We thought about why the church is considered the ‘body of Christ’ and how Christians can also demonstrate the ‘body of Christ’ individually as well as in groups. Some ideas were that the church is the central place where Christians go to worship and pray, and Christians themselves act like Jesus (caring, kind, helpful) and share Jesus’ stories with others. We then discussed the church more and listed reasons why we thought Christians might go to church on a Sunday such as, to worship, to pray, to celebrate and to take part in communion. We also looked at Quaker worship which is more of a silent approach to worship. We then finished our discussions thinking about what is more important, people/Christians or places/churches? We had some really great conversations and all contributed well. We then concluded the session by listing on post it notes everything that we had learnt and there was lots!! 📝