Problem Solving in Crew FE

This week in Crew FE we have been continuing our focus on the Gingerbread Man and putting our problem solving skills to the test! We have been thinking of the different ways the Gingerbread Man could have crossed the river safely, and decided that a bridge or a boat would have been the best solution. 

The children have been using different resources in the provision areas to build bridges, experimenting which materials would work best and how they could make their structures stronger. We have looked closely at floating and sinking and will continue to test which which materials would work well for a boat next week.

This afternoon the children were tasked with another challenge. How could they travel across the hall when only being allowed to stand on the mats so they didn’t land in the ‘water’? As usual the children applied themselves brilliantly, quickly realising that they would need to work as a team to be successful. The challenge gave us lots of giggles and showed the true meaning of Crew.