World Kindness Day

Crew Hamill really enjoyed taking part in the interactive World Kindness Day assembly last week. We were really inspired by the stories we were told by the host and we have used this to reflect on our Be Kind HoWL. We have created ‘Kindness Balloons’ in our crew and will be adding a balloon every time someone does something kind. We’re hoping to have enough to make our house fly, like in Up! We also completed kindness tickets in which we wrote a note to someone who was important to us, explaining why we thought they were amazing.

Road Safety

In crew today we explored the importance of Road safety and how to keep safe whilst out and about. We looked at local hotspot areas for road traffic collisions and why these might have occurred. We watched a video and spotted the hidden dangers, like walking whilst looking on your phone and crossing the road in front in front of vehicles.

Art in MI

We are really enjoying our art case study where we are working hard on our perspective drawing. This is something we have found very challenging however we are all showing great resilience. We have practised some of the skills many times to ensure we get things just right on our final piece.

The Diary of Anne Frank

Today in history, we explored the life of Anne Frank, a significant individual in WW2. Without her diary so much information would not have been shared with a wider audience. We can’t wait to discover more information about her time during WW2. In todays lesson, we looked at key events in her life and ordered these. We couldn’t believe she was able to hide from the Gestapo for 25months!

Maths in MI

A great start to our maths lesson today with our magic maths questions. We consolidated our knowledge when using symbols to show if numbers are bigger than, smaller than or equal to other numbers. We then moved onto our problem of the day, using the knowledge we gained last week when using money. We then consolidated our learning on pictograms. The main lesson was looking at multiplication word problems. We unpicked lots of questions together, working well in mini crews to discuss if the problem was multiplication and what we had to do to solve it. We are getting much more confident when identifying the operation needed. We look forward to continuing with this on Wednesday.

Remembrance Day 2024

Crew McGlone have spent time over the last week discussing why it is important for us to think about those people who helped and continue to help to keep our country safe, and thank them for everything they do. We created fork paintings of poppies that Miss McGlone put together into a wreath for our whole school Remembrance Day display.

We then also made our own poppies using apples and carrots to print with inside a laminating pouch. Once they were dry, they were put through the laminator and we have put them on our classroom windows.

Computing meets PVPG

Recently, we have been enjoying our computing lessons so much that the children are using AI(artificial intelligence) at home. It is so lovely to see this high level of engagement and even a couple of children have made story books (with the help of AI). It has now become a regular occurrence to read them as we walk down the corridor to break. With us hooked with AI, Miss thought it would be a good idea to incorporate this into our grammar application lesson. The children loved prompting AI to generate a short paragraph with no punctuation that they had to then identify the verb/verb phrase, subject, coordinating conjunction, leftovers and then punctuate to identify the main clauses. Obviously this was my favourite short paragraph!