The children really enjoyed exploring snow this week. We discussed what clothes we need to wear in order to keep us warm in the cold, snowy weather. We also brought snow inside and explored what happens when it melts.

The children really enjoyed exploring snow this week. We discussed what clothes we need to wear in order to keep us warm in the cold, snowy weather. We also brought snow inside and explored what happens when it melts.
Crew F2 really enjoyed celebrating Children in Need last week! We had lots of fun throwing the pies at Mr Williamson (we had very good aim!) and completing our Children in Need activities.
MI have started their new writing/grammar unit looking at extinct animals. Over the last few days we have been taking part in a series of diagnostic tasks that are allowing us to digest lots of grammar that will be needed when it comes to writing our own non-chronological report. Today we thought about adverbials of time, manner and place along with identifying main and subordinate clauses. We moved our sentences around changing the order of the main and subordinate clause. We have added our anchor charts to our working wall which we will use when we start to write.
Crew Godley have been determined to get their letter formation right! We have been practising so hard to form our letters correctly – we have so much remember! Our pencil grip, starting at the correct points and forming our letters within the correct lines. Our dough disco always helps warm up our fingers and today we can see a big improvement when forming our letters in a word rather than solitary.
We then played a game where we had to listen to our crew mates describing a letter by its formation, a letter ‘Guess Who’, we had to show we’d listened and formed the letter correctly to get a point. It was very tricky at times! Sharni-Mae loved tricking her crew mates!
To celebrate Children In Need, everyone who came to school and made a donation was able to take part in splatting Titch in the face with a whipped cream ‘pie’! It’s safe to say, everyone had fun! Even some of the adults joined in!
The last thing we needed to learn before moving on to our writing sessions was how to join two independent clauses together. We learned all about coordinating conjunctions, known as FANBOYS – for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so. We then worked through a few example sentences in which we had to identify which conjunction had been used. Once we’d identified this, we looked at the independent clauses either side of the conjunction. We identified each verb and subject, allowing us to see how we had two independent clauses with a subject and a verb joined together with one of the FANBOY conjunctions. We also learned that these conjunctions can be used to join more than one subject together to create a compound subject (for example, The moon and the stars).
Crew Hamill have tried really hard to develop their knowledge of verbs, subjects and leftovers by identifying them within paragraphs. We have been looking at unpunctuated paragraphs, with no capital letters, commas and full stops, and have used our knowledge of independent clauses having a subject and a verb to be able to work our where the punctuation belongs. We have found this tricky at times due to some of the vocabulary being difficult to understand but after working on it for a while, we are now much more confident!
Crew Hamill really enjoyed taking part in the interactive World Kindness Day assembly last week. We were really inspired by the stories we were told by the host and we have used this to reflect on our Be Kind HoWL. We have created ‘Kindness Balloons’ in our crew and will be adding a balloon every time someone does something kind. We’re hoping to have enough to make our house fly, like in Up! We also completed kindness tickets in which we wrote a note to someone who was important to us, explaining why we thought they were amazing.
In crew today we explored the importance of Road safety and how to keep safe whilst out and about. We looked at local hotspot areas for road traffic collisions and why these might have occurred. We watched a video and spotted the hidden dangers, like walking whilst looking on your phone and crossing the road in front in front of vehicles.
We are really enjoying our art case study where we are working hard on our perspective drawing. This is something we have found very challenging however we are all showing great resilience. We have practised some of the skills many times to ensure we get things just right on our final piece.