Breakfast with Santa

We had a very special visit from Santa this morning, he joined us for a festive breakfast. However, he declined the offerings of food incase he couldn’t fit down the chimney on Christmas Eve!

Measuring in Maths

In maths, we started our measurements unit and kicked off the lessons by measuring things around the classroom in cm and m. We used a rule, metre stick and even a trundle wheel for the corridor. The children had lots of fun doing this and give them practical experience of measuring.

Wow! What a performance!

It was pleasure to be able to watch the Cheerleading and Acro performance on Thursday afternoon. The children from KS1 and KS2 performed the dances they have been learning during this term in lunchtime clubs.

The performance oozed confidence and the high quality learning that has taken place during these clubs. It was great to see children from previous years perform but also lots of new faces. A massive well done to all involved. They should be very proud of themselves.

Exploring Picasso in MI

Today we continued with with our art slice where we did more research on our artist Pablo Picasso. This added to our work from last week where we carried out some critique on some of Picasso’s pieces of art. We then explored the artwork that we would use as our stimulus for our wooden cookie slice. We unpicked a model then had a go at our first draft using Mrs McClare’s step by step model. We offered critique to our partners first draft then used feedback to have another go. We took part in a gallery walk to observe our peers work, thinking about the sizes and shapes they had used. We then worked again on our own pieces. We are enjoying redrafting our work to make it better.