Crew Wilson Weekly Review: 02/10/2020

It is Friday and we have had an awesome week in Crew Wilson!

We have whizzed through so much learning this week, and the Crew are becoming much more resilient with their learning – everyone is having a go and joining in with our lessons which is brilliant to see! We are also nailing what ‘Green Standard’ looks like around the classroom, and the Crew only need 1 reminder now to show me this – we are making good progress every day!

Highlights of the Week:

Science: In Science we have been learning all about the human body and senses. Today we explored taste by experiencing some different flavours – sweet, sour and salty. We had a good look at each others tongues first, then tried some different foods.Reactions were…..mixed to say the least, and some of the faces that were pulled were hilarious! The Crew responded really well to this lesson and are confident in identifying different flavours, as well as explaining how their tongue recognises them via tastebuds – and we all agreed that olives are disgusting!


Taste testing lemons:


Computing: Continuing with our directional language and coding lessons, the Crew have been so engaged when using the BeeBot, working together to program directions and reminding each other of the correct method to input instructions. This week we used a large map and the Crew had to reach the X, whilst dodging obstacles along the way. We also seem to have cracked using laptops this week (now we know they aren’t touch screen!) The Crew  have shown a deep understanding of directional language when moving the BeeBot around a virtual map and were great at assisting each other when issues arose and the Beebot disappeared into the sea, great team work guys!

Maths: Who knew that using Skittles in maths to assist counting would be such a memorable lesson? So memorable that they’ve asked for it every day since?! The children really enjoyed using different materials to help with matching numbers to groups, especially when the material is edible! We have also created number lines as a group and jumped down them for one less, we’ve fed the Hungry Caterpillar and we have sang 10 Green Bottles at least 20 times! All of these activities have helped the crew understand what we mean by one more and one less, as well as 1:1 correspondence – lots of big brains in Crew Wilson this week! Test your children to see if they can represent numbers in different ways!

Howl Heroes

Work Hard: This Howl goes to April for her fantastic attitude to her learning. April consistently aims for Green Standard in everything she does and it is great to see such a motivated member of our crew excelling in her learning – Well done April!

Get Smart: This Howl goes to Daisy for being a brilliant scientist in our Science lesson today. Daisy was eager to try the different flavours and worked really hard with her Crew to categorise them by taste, well done Daisy!

Be Kind: This Howl goes to Dalton, for always displaying Green Standard on the carpet, at tables, in the corridor and the dinner hall. I can always rely on Dalton to be a role model for his crew, and he is kind to his teachers by following instructions first time, keep it up Dalton!

Learning Legend

A good week for Dalton as he is also our Learning Legend, and received a certificate in our virtual achievers assembly. Dalton always gives 110% to every lesson, he is always concentrating on meeting his learning intention and is a fantastic Independent group leader, well done Dalton!

Howl Average:

We ended the week on a 3.4 – not our best score so far but we know what we need to do as both a Crew and personally to get that score higher.

Another fabulous week of learning, collaboration and fun is completed in Crew Wilson.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Mr W