Crew Welburn’s Weekly Review


I am so proud of the children this week. They have really worked hard together as a crew to complete challenges and cheer each other on. Well done Crew Welburn 😁

Highlights from the week:


I love teaching our science lessons in Crew Welburn as the children are so inquisitive and have so many questions that they want to find the answers to. This week, we have been looking at how our tongue helps us to taste. We had lots of fun tasting different foods and classifying them into sweet, sour and salty. Take a look at some of the photos…


I am really proud of all of the children this week in their phonics lessons. They have worked so hard at blending words independently and are trying really hard to read their green words. They are all so determined and it is brilliant to see 🙌🙌


Our HOWL Heroes:

Work Hard: Mason was my HOWL hero for work hard today. All the way through the science lesson, he worked hard at sitting smartly, kept his blindfold on and shared what he thought the foods were.

Get Smart: Kairen is my get smart HOWL hero today. He showed just how well he had listened during the inputs today by using the correct vocabulary to describe the foods he had tasted.

Be Kind: Nathan was awarded our be kind HOWL hero for sharing really well in PE this afternoon. This was a really kind thing to do 😊

This week’s Learning Legend:

This week’s Learning Legend is Tiarna. Tiarna has been an absolute superstar since coming into Year 1. She is showing that she works hard all of the time by listening carefully to adults, sharing her ideas and following all instructions. Tiarna is also going above and beyond with her manners to make sure she always uses her pleases and thank you’s, and she even makes sure she holds doors open to help her crew out! This is fantastic Tiarna!

Today’s HoWL average is: 3 ✅

This weeks HoWL average is: 3.1 ✅

Weekly HoWL target: 3

Have a lovely weekend, see you on Monday!