Crew Welburn’s Weekly Review 28.5.2021

Highlight of the week:

Wow! What a week we have had in Crew Welburn. I am amazed by the children’s writing this week as we’ve begun writing our fact files for our final product to display at Flamingo Land. We’ve used all of our knowledge from expedition lessons to build sentences around giraffes and zebras, ready to send off for the final product. We also shared our fact files from farm animals with Foundation Stage today, using our big, clear voices. We hope they learnt a lot from them!

This week, we’ve also been doing lots of team building, communication activities in crew time. We have played listening games where we have to listen and clap rhythms, and we’ve used our communication skills to get ourselves into height order.

HOWL Heroes:

Work Hard: Harriet

Get Smart: Harry

Be Kind: Frankie

My learning legend for this week is Darcie Fraser. Darcie has been a superstar in maths over the last half term. She has been working really hard with her addition and subtraction number sentences, and in her mental maths for her number recognition, place value and number formation. I am really impressed with how smart she has got! Keep it up Darcie!

HOWL Score: 3.1 Well done Crew Welburn!

This week’s HOWL average: 3.1 Keep it up Crew Welburn!