Crew Mcloughlin Weekly Blog 02/07/21

Ahh how is it July already? 2 weeks left!

As always, we have had a great week in Crew Mcloughlin, we had so much fun participating in sports day😁

Besides this, we have been working hard, finishing our final product for our expedition. The children have emailed Dave Eagle, our space expert, to showcase our product on his website. He was touched by the children’s email and would love to showcase the children’s work! So watch this space! Here are some of our expedition lapbooks/posters which helped us reflect on our learning journey.

We all had chippy tea in the sunshine 🐟🍟🌞

Our HoWL average improved this week! So the children grabbed the HoWLopoly Wheel and span a non-uniform day! (I will send a message when we have decided which day).

Have a lovely weekend guys! Bring on the excitement of transition next week!😊