Crew Marsh – Music

In our final lesson of our unit ‘Nautilus’, we began by following a listening map to warm our bodies up whilst thinking about how music can make shapes.

We then discussed opinions and how it was important to have your own opinion on something. We talked about how your opinions can be different to those of other people but both were valid. Not everyone will have the same opinion about a piece of music and that is okay.

The piece of music ‘Nautilus’ has been used to create different types of art, an animation, a ballet and an advertisement. We watched videos of each of these art forms and formed our own opinions on whether we liked the story that was being told. We discussed how even though the same piece of music was used in each, the videos and visuals helped to create a different story each time.

To finish, we had a vote on which one was our favourite. The winner was the ballet!