Our day in a nutshell…
We’ve had a busy first day back today and thrown ourselves into our work on the Wizard of Oz. The experience day for the Write Stuff was a highlight with some great work on the characters and thinking about how to describe them and some of their motivations.
Today’s HoWL average is: 2.6
Our Weekly HoWL target is 2.9
I wonder if…
I wonder if we can all achieve a 4 for one of our HoWLs at the end of the day tomorrow and to support each other in our crew.
Today’s HoWL Hero…
Our Work Hard HoWL Hero today is Ethan!
Ethan has had a great day today and this has been noticed by everyone in the crew. It would be hard to single out one aspect of the day that Ethan has modelled brilliantly for us so I’ll go with what I’ve loved the most about Ethan’s day. He hasn’t stopped smiling! This clear positive attitude really showed us all how easy it can be to work hard. Great work, Ethan!