Crew Gerrard (12/4/21)

Welcome back Crew Gerrard, it has certainly been great to see you all again!

We’ve had a really productive first day back and tried our best to ensure that we’re back into a routine nice and quickly. We’ve been looking into reading The Wizard of Oz and have started our exciting writing about the film Gravity. I know that we had some great discussions, which was a highlight today. I’m really pleased with how well we picked up multiplying whole numbers by unit fractions, as well – you were super stars! Our HoWL Heroes for today are:

Work Hard: Evie for showing such a fantastic attitude to her maths and listening well all day – well done, Evie! 😁

Get Smart: Chloe for being a whizz at the maths and for really challenging her learning – keep it up, Chloe! 😃

Be Kind: Kian for listening and being in such a great mood all day, you’ve had a fantastic day – good job, Kian! 😄

Our HoWL average was 3.2 today, so it was a good start. I wonder if we can ensure that we are all quicker to listen and with our readiness, tomorrow?