We have had a busy morning today looking at states of matter and in particular, how water can change from a liquid to a solid or a gas. It was great to see the children thinking about the scientific language needed to describe the processes accurately.
Today’s HoWL average is: 3.1
Our Weekly HoWL target is: 3.0
I wonder if…
I wonder if we can continue to push on with our learning and strive for that green standard to improve our get smart scores from last week.
Today’s HoWL Hero:
Our Get Smart hero today is Joseph!
Joseph has been amazing today. He has pushed himself all day to ensure that he has met the green standard for his learning today and was one of experts in maths to support others!
Learning Legend:
Tia has impressed us all in Crew Boswell with her refusal to give up when she finds something hard and her increasing confidence. She works hard and isn’t afraid to ask for help if she needs it. She listens carefully and always strives to meet her expected standard and is getting smart. She always knows to be kind and will even try to help her crew when she can. We’re glad she’s part of our crew!
Handwriting Hero:
Our handwriting hero for this week is Bobby-Joe.
Click the link to visit our exciting expedition website to find out more about the lovely expedition learning.
This is working towards the attendance target of 97%.