I spy a gingerbread house 🍬🧁🍭🍩

Today for our experience lesson we learnt that Hansel and Gretel stumbled upon a gingerbread house deep in the forest. We couldn’t resist having a go at making our own. The children worked collaboratively to build their houses which proved quite tricky!
After reading the next part of Hansel and Gretel we learnt that Dad took them to the woods AGAIN! However, this time we dropped bread crumbs in the woods to be able to find our way back out. We saw lots of animals and felt even worse than we did the time before!
In this mornings writing lesson I have been so impressed with the following children for their beautiful handwriting and fab ideas! We have been working really hard in our writing lessons to become better Y1 writers and we really are starting to show everything that we have learnt.
Well done, you are superstar writers!!
Today we have started reading Hansel and Gretel, at the start of the story Hansel and Gretel are told by their evil step mum to go to the woods with their Dad who should leave them there. Hansel thought of a great idea of collecting stones and leaving them as a trace to find their way out of the wood.
Since half term, Crew Pashley has been writing about the Funnybones story. It is one of our favourite books to read as a crew. 📖Today, to start our second week of writing, we did a skeleton jigsaw hunt to engage us in our learning! 👀We searched all over the classroom then had to join the pieces together- we had to check we had all six pieces and that they were in the right places!
Crew Mcloughlin are throughly enjoying our new writing stimulus, which is The Lorax! Read on to find out what we have been getting up to in writing this week.
We then went on to grammar day 1 where we focused on applying cohesive devices. We were all really successful and had lots of sentences to use in PP1.
Check it our chotting and some of our PP1 writing…
In today’s experience lesson we read about how Florence Nightingale looked after the poorly soldiers when it got dark. We learnt she was also called the lady of the lamp as she carried a lamp around with her in the evening. In our experience lesson we all created our own lamp to be able to be just like Florence. It was a tricky cutting and sticking task but we all followed the instructions.