In writing, we have started plot point 2 of our recount about our visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We are really enjoying writing about our trip and have come up with some amazing vocabulary and ideas. We can’t wait to continue to write this next week.
What a tangle Carla had got herself in! 🐦
Writing in Action🥪✍️
Today, in crew Pashley, for writing we finished writing our set of instructions on how to make a jam sandwich 🥪. We included some adjectives to describe the jam.
Meeting Carla.. 🐧🧺
After all the conkers fell on our head yesterday, today we opened our eyes to see that it was Carla (a bird) wrapped up in a washing line!! Carla was hungry, so we had to help her. We had a challenged to try and pinch a sandwich using cocktail sticks from Percy the Park Keeper. We used cocktail sticks to represent our hedgehog spikes. We also practised our rolling skills to see if we could stick the sandwich to our back.
Hedgehog in the park 🦔
Today we started reading Percy the Parker keeper has a flying visit. We loved reading the first part of the book and experience what it must have felt like when the hedgehog was chilling under the tree in the park until bonkers fell down and bashed his head.
We looked up at the sky and shared what we could see, we then acted out what the hedgehog might have done when the conkers fell.
Experiencing Africa 🇿🇦
Today we discovered the country of Africa in our experience lesson.
We started with ‘Waka, Waka’ which the children already know and love.
We then tried lots of different and unusual fruits.
Jam Sandwich 🥪
Today, in Writing, we made jam sandwich’s to help with our instruction writing this week. We are going to be writing instructions on how to make a jam sandwich.
The Jolly Postman visits the UK
To hook us into our new expedition we experienced a very British afternoon.
We started with some ballroom dancing.
We then ate and drank a classical British treat of scones laced with butter and jam and a nice warm cup of tea.
Hopefully the postman will enjoy his visit to the UK.I wonder where he will go next?
Posting to the gingerbread man 💌
In today’s writing lesson we read where the postman delivered his christmas mail to next, it was to a red tin house that was tiny. It belonged to a gingerbread man. We created our own gingerbread men and then looked at the book that the postman delivered him. We loved reading the story that the postman had posted and then enjoyed a cup of tea and mini mince pie.
Another busy day as postman in Crew Marsh and luckily it was our last.
The jollypostman posting to baby bear
Today in Y1 we started our christmas writing by reading the christmas jollypostman. He firstly delivered a christmas card to baby bear at the three bears house, we therefore decorated our own card for baby bear and then delivered it to their house. We noticed Mummy bear decorating a christmas tree and enjoyed some warm, delicious porridge.