PE – Crew Shields

It has been an active morning in Crew Shields as we have taken part in both Scotty’s Heroes and Active Fusion. As always PE can be an area that pushes children out of their comfort zones but they showed great resilience, which is what we want to develop as we go through Year 5.

Huge well done to Izzy who was selected as Hero of the Week.


Punctuality Autumn Term

Welcome back to all of our Pupils and Parents. As we start a new academic year I just wanted to send a quick post out regarding punctuality. We will also be sharing one with some reminders about attendance too.

We have been really impressed with pupils’ punctuality this week, with the vast majority of pupils attending school on time. However, we just wanted to send out some reminders to ensure everyone is aware of our school expectations around punctuality, which we have also shared with the pupils.

●  Our school start time is 8.40/ pupils should be on school grounds from 8.35 ready to enter school at 8.40

●  We will ring a bell at 8.40 to signal that pupils should enter school at this time

●  We expect pupils to be in school no later than 8.45

●  Doors will close at 8.50 as this gives time for anyone who may be running late to still enter viatheir normal school door/ a bell will ring at 8.50 to say that doors should now be closed and anyone arrive after this will be classed as late

If you know that your child is going to be late for school, please may we ask that you bring your child into the school and complete a ‘Late Form’ for your child, explaining why they are late on this occasion. Late pupils should always be brought in by their adult, if your child arrives without an adult, we will ask for you to come in later that day/the following day to complete the late form.

We understand that mornings can be busy and on the odd occasion pupils may arrive after 8.50 but we do need to ensure that pupils are arriving at school on time the vast majority of the time.

Arriving late into the crew can be unsettling both for your child and others. It also takes time away from adults being with the children. Finally, it means that our Admin Staff are unable to complete the registration process in a timely manner as they are taking late pupils to classes to ensure their safety.

Thank you for taking the time to read and for your understanding around this matter.

Mrs Atherton (Miss Laing) Headteacher

Afterschool Clubs

The after school clubs are now all on Parentpay. There are limited numbers available for each club. All clubs must be paid in full. Thank you.

Crew Welburn’s Fantastic First Day

Crew Welburn have had a fantastic first day back at school! We’ve learnt each others names, made shoe towers in crew building, explored our new classroom and provision areas, enjoyed a delicious lunch and sang lots of songs 🎶

Crew Welburn’s Transition Week

It has been a pleasure getting to know the current nursery children in our new Foundation 2 classroom this week! They have shown me that they are going to be a curious, adventurous and resilient crew and I can’t wait to be their crew leader in September. Here are some of the exciting things we have got up to this week…

Summer Sleepover 2022! ☀️

On Friday 8th July we had our Summer Sleepover at Carcroft! Once we arrived, we got our sleeping areas set up and settled into the classroom before heading outside to play in the gorgeous weather ☀️We enjoyed playing out on the playground before heading inside to have a takeaway pizza and chips 🍕🍟 Afterwards, we battled each other on Kahoot before the staff team joined in and managed to sneak into the lead to take the win! 💪🏻

As a crew we tidied up before settling down to watch Sing 2 with a bag of crisps and a biscuit, before we knew it it was time for lights out! There were many excitable children so getting to sleep was a loooooooong process! 😴

5:30am was apparently the perfect time to wake up (although the staff definitely disagreed!) and after a slow start it was time for breakfast before packing up and being collected by parents.

It was a super fun evening and the children certainly enjoyed themselves!

Soup making!

Today during DT, we made our own tomato soup… from scratch! We followed the recipe and worked as mini crews to prepare the food before we began cooking. We were really patient with each other showing great HOWLs all morning.