Crew MW’s Library Visit 📚💕

On Friday, we celebrated Libraries Week by taking a trip to our school library. We each picked out a book and we showed it to the other members of our crew. We then decided which book we wanted to read in the library, chilling on the bean bags and cushions, as well as choosing a book to take back to the classroom with us. We absolutely LOVE going to the library! 📚

Crew MW’s weekly library visit 📚

Crew MW took our weekly trip to the library last Wednesday. We enjoyed our milk and snack while we sat and read a story called ‘There’s a dragon in your book!’ by Tom Fletcher. We then voted between two stories to bring back to our classroom to read at story time the next day. We loved our trip to the library! 📚

RWI Workshops

Thank you to all of our parents who came and engaged in our Read, Write, Inc. workshops today and last week. We loved having you in to talk through how we are teaching your children to read and how you can help them at home! We’re looking forward to having you in to see some phonics in action this year!

Star Reader Breakfast! 🌟📚📖😋🧃🥣🥐

Another week, another set of fabulous Star Readers! 🌟📖 This week the children were all able to articulate why they had been chosen as their Crews Star Reader, from reading every day at home, to contributing great ideas in class to remembering all of their RWI sounds! It was lovely to hear how well they are all doing in terms of reading! 👏 We also discussed what books we like to read, our favourite authors and how to use the library! And of course, we also enjoyed some tasty breakfast treats! 🥐🥣😋🧃