This afternoon, we learnt why Christians pray to God. First we discussed who we go to for help. We came up with some great ideas such as parents, teachers, friends and aunties and uncles. Then, we related this to why Christians pray to God. We discussed how God can be there for people and offer them help and support, give forgiveness and to provide a friendship. We then read The Lords Prayer and interpreted the meaning of it. For example, we said how God can offer protection because in the Lords Prayer it says “Lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil”. Finally, we wrote our own prayer. We were shocked by some of the lovely things the children mentioned for example “please help people who don’t have food”, “please can you help me because I am struggling in maths”, “thank you for the food, family and friendships I have” and “please provide warmth and food for those who need it”.
Creating our Menorah’s 🕎
Crew Godley created some wonderful artwork today, using pointillism to create their menorahs.
Magnificent Menorahs 🕎
RE in Crew MI
In RE, we discussed what worshipping was, why people do it and where people do it. We reflected on all of this and explored how it is different in different religions.
Learning about Hanukkah in KS1
Today, we continued to focus on Judaism. We were given some photos and completed a gallery walk to think about what we notice and what wonders we had.
We watched some videos to understand how Jewish people celebrate Hanukkah. We learned that they have specific food like potato cakes and doughnuts and most children receive toys called dreidls. Next week, we will design our own menorah.
Passover 🍲
Today, Y2 explored Passover which is one of the most important festivals in the Jewish year. It is celebrated in Spring. We discovered that story of Passover is in the the Torah, which we looked at last week. During Passover, Jewish people remember how the Israelite people were freed from slavery by Moses over 3000 years ago. Passover is celebrated for seven or eight days. The night before passover begins, there is a special service called Seder. At the Seder meal there is a special Seder plate on the table. The Seder plate is an important part of the Seder meal, this plate has five sections to hold some special Seder foods. We created our own Seder plates to share with our grown ups at home, explains the importance of the food shared on the Seder plate.
What’s is a Synagogue? 🕍
Today Y2 have continued to explore the Jewish faith and places of worship. We discovered that a synagogue is the Jewish place of worship, where Jews go to pray and speak to God. We compared this to a Christian church and found some differences and similarities. We found that the Torah scrolls contain the words of the Hebrew Bible and services are led by a rabbi or a worshipper.
Celebrating Shabbat
Today, Y2 have been exploring how and why Jewish people celebrate Shabbat. We discovered that Shabbat is the Jewish Day of Rest. Shabbat happens each week from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. During Shabbat, Jewish people remember the story of creation from the Torah. Jews have a lot of jobs to do on the Friday evening to prepare for Shabbat.
Who is a Jew and what do they believe?
KS1 have begun their new unit in RE, exploring who is a Jew and what do they believe? We explored what items were precious to Jews, for example, The Star of David, The Torah and the Menorah. Oliver suggested that the Torah may tell us stories as the bible does. We discovered that Jews only believe in one God, as do Christians.
Decisions, decisions, decisions… ♱⛪💕
In RE, today we have been thinking about ‘WWJD’ – What Would Jesus Do? We understand that many Christians follow this daily in their practice and even wear jewellery such as bracelets and necklaces to remind them of this, as well as to help them to work out different situations that are tempting or difficult as well as challenging dilemmas.
In Crew Boswell, we discussed why Christians may do this and how it might help them to live their daily lives and make the right choices and avoid temptation. We further discussed how Christians also use resources such as The Bible and Prayer to support them with challenging aspects that appear in day to day life.
We then looked at some different scenarios in groups and thought about the right and wrong thing to do and ultimately What Would Jesus Do (WWJD), what would modern day Christians do and what we would do in each situation. We had some interesting discussions and it certainly made us reflect on our behaviours. At the end of the session pupils shared that they had learnt to ‘think before I act’, ‘treat others as I would want to be treated’, ‘help others in need even if we aren’t friends’, ‘be kind’, ‘do what’s right’. It was a great session and we all learnt something!