Friday Finish Times…

Just a reminder that our finish times are slightly different on a Friday and are as follows:

Nicholson: 12.45

Godley: 1.00

Year 1: 12.45-1.15

Year 2: 12.45-1.15

Year 3: 12.45- 1.15

Year 4: 12.45-1.15

Year 5: 12.45-1.15

Year 6: 12.45-1.15

However, from next Friday, the 19th March, we will be changing these times from Y1-Y6 to 12.45-1.00pm (15 minutes less) so that Teachers can start their planning time at 1.00pm instead of 1.15.

Miss Laing


Fundraising…. CPS ran to the North Pole

You may well remember that before Christmas we did a huge fundraising event, whereby we asked each crew member to walk a mile a day, in order to achieve 2520 ish miles in total as a school crew- the distance between CPS and the North Pole….

…. You may remember that the children did amazing and smashed their target. As a result, family and friends were able to handover their sponsorship money, which is currently sitting in our school bank account.

However, we never informed you of the total, as we wanted to decide on what we were going to spend it on…. but then Lockdown 3 hit!

So…. here it is, drum roll please…..

The grand total raised by the community of Carcroft was…..


We were absolutely blown away…. thank you so much for supporting the pupils of CPS.

So, what are we going to spend it on?

The pupils of CPS of course! After the last 12 months, I am really hoping that we can take every CPS pupil to the seaside, for chips on the sea front, ice-cream, penny slots and sandcastles! We might require parents to contribute a little something towards the coach travel, as the money will largely cover the treats for the children. But, I really do believe that after this year, our children deserve the opportunity to make some memories with their friends outside of the school grounds.

As restrictions are due to be lifted from 21st June 21, I am hoping that these trips can take place in the last few weeks of the year.

However, please can we ask that you start to have a think about a Plan B in case it’s not looking likely it can go ahead.

In the meantime, let’s hope and pray that the roadmap out of lockdown runs smoothly and we can have some fun at the beach later in the year.

Thank you again for your support,

Miss Laing


Back together again…

Welcome back to all of our home learners- I hope you have had a lovely day back with your crew! It was lovely to see your faces out on the playground this morning. Our Y6’s seem to have grown so much since December…. stop growing up so quickly!

All of our pupils have made us so proud during Lockdown 3 and to show our appreciation, we have sent every child home with a chocolate bar today. I am hoping that they have given our wonderful parents a square or too to thank you too…..

See you all tomorrow,

Miss Laing

Return for Pupils…

Attendance is Compulsory from Monday 8th March

On Monday 8th March, we open our doors to all pupils once again. We really can’t wait to have every single crew member back where they belong, in school with their crew. We cannot thank those parents who have helped to educate our children at home over the last 8 weeks enough for everything they have done. What a fabulous job you have all done! Ensure you make some time for yourselves next week when the children return- you really do deserve it.

Just a reminder that we do have staggered start and finish times in place. However, attendance from Monday is once again compulsory and we will be ensuring that we adhere to our attendance policy whereby we require parents to let us know if their child is going to be absent by leaving a voice mail by 8.25am that morning.

We had to undertake a number of home visits prior to Christmas as we had not heard from parents so then have to undertake safe and well checks in order to ensure that the children are safe.

In addition, we did have a number of children taking ‘random’ days off here and there. We do understand that if children are required to isolate/or have C-19 symptoms/test positive they will be absent from school. However, we did have a number of families whose attendance generally was not at the standard we would expect and it was not C-19 related; we will be keeping an eye on these families and will be ensuring that we work with the Education Welfare Service as and when needed, as it’s even more important than ever that pupils are in school after missing so much time in the last 12 months.

Please click here to access our start/finish times

Finally, just a reminder that we have an INSET Day for pupils on Monday 22nd March. A post was shared on the website last week. We will only be open for any parents who require childcare due to work commitments. There is a google form on the website blog page.

Thanks again for support and co-operation.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Laing


We just wanted to let you know that we will not be celebrating World Book Day on World Book Day this year….

We have decided that instead we would like to do this a little bit differently moving forward.

Each term, we already plan activities in order to hook our pupils into their new expedition… However, we now want to do this even more so by immersing them into their new text in different ways, which may include dress up and opportunities to complete fun and exciting activities around the text and when we can, we will be asking parents to join us for this too.

This will usually take place 1 x per term, including, Autumn, Spring and Summer.

Therefore, we are not asking children to dress up this coming Thursday as we still have children at home etc.

We are instead going to plan for a special book day in CPS style in the weeks to come. However, we will let you know when, as we need to plan for this to happen and give you plenty of notice etc.

We will however still send out the money offer vouchers for our children to be able to purchase a new book using their money off voucher if they wish.

Watch this space for when your child’s special book day is going to take place.

Miss Laing

Reopening for all pupils/Additional INSET Day

Hi all,

Please see link below to a letter regarding the reopening on 8th March including start/finish times.

Also, within the letter, I have shared that we are proposing an additional INSET Day on Monday 22nd March, the letter explains why we feel this necessary in order to keep everyone safe.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Miss Laing

Return for all pupils… 🙌🎉

I am just dropping a quick note to say that we can’t wait to have all of our pupils back with us from the 8th March 2021. We’ve had a significant number back on site since January but we know that we have so many pupils ready to come back to school to be with their friends and Teachers. We have missed you so much

I will send out a more detailed letter tomorrow outlining some of the measures in which we are taking to ensure that we are doing as much as we can to prevent the spread of the virus.

Miss Laing

Back to school…

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you’ve all had a nice week with your families- a week certainly flies by. Just a reminder that school is open for any pupils who were in school before the half term break for all bubbles as we have nobody isolating at the present time.

If your child was accessing learning remotely, this recommences tomorrow as it did before half term- please ensure that your child is online for registration.

Like many of you, we will be awaiting the announcement from the Prime Minister tomorrow evening to understand the steps in which we need to take in order to reopen school fully at some point in the next few weeks. We will be in touch following the announcement with plans for our wider reopening.

Until then, we look forward to seeing the children either on-site or remotely from tomorrow.

Miss Laing


This week in the trust…

Exciting news!

We are not yet an XP trust school but it won’t be long now. Therefore, the trust have invited us to be a part of their ‘This Week in the Trust (TWITT)’ video collection. A very exciting way for Carcroft to end a very busy half term…

We are proud to be working with the XP Trust and it’s lovely to be a part of this fabulous weekly showcase. Can you spot anyone from CPS?

This will become a weekly event and will be posted on our website every Friday afternoon. Not only does this go out to our school, this goes out to all XP schools so your child’s beautiful work really is on show across the whole of Doncaster. Amazing! 🙌 Proud of you all 🤩

Finally, may I take this opportunity to thank you for your support and patience this half term. Unlike the media suggests, CPS is very much open this term and has been since our return in January. Our staff are juggling around 220 pupils onsite daily and a further 90 at home. I am extremely proud of each and everyone of them. They’ve done a fabulous job! However, we are also extremely grateful to our parents who are supporting our remote learners, ensuring that they are online and submitting work daily. We know it’s not been an easy task for you. Your resilience and patience has been amazing- thank you so much for this. Ensure you get plenty of rest next week too as you deserve it.

I’m now signing off from what has been a tiring half term but I’m signing off feeling incredibly proud of our community once again.

Stay safe everyone.

See you all back on Monday 22nd February either on-site or online.

Miss Laing