Names of our teeth

Last week we started hook week off by learning about teeth. We learned about the different teeth that we have to help us eat. We learned the function (job) of the teeth and the location of each type of teeth. We read a text together about teeth which helped us gain further knowledge about teeth. Did you know that humans have 2 sets of teeth in their lifetime? Did you know that not everyone gets wisdom teeth?

Terrific Teeth

Crew Godley have had a fantastic week exploring their teeth. We began our learning by looking at the different types of teeth we have and their purposes. We explored our mouths with a mirror where we looked at the different teeth we have.

We then created moulds of our teeth so we could compare where we all were we in our journey. Some of us had lost baby teeth whilst others were still waiting too.

We then moved onto setting up our teeth investigation where we will explore the impact different liquids have on our teeth. We created our own question and hypothesis then thought about our variables. We listed all the equipment we would use then created our method.

We then explored the best ways to look after our teeth. We watched a video clip all about healthy teeth and visiting the dentist. We looked at how we should be brushing our teeth and even had a go at this!

Finally, we’ve created our own posters to promote keeping our teeth healthy.

Experience day in MI

Today we started our writing unit where we found out that we would be writing a narrative as a piece of food! Our narrative will be based on the journey of digestion. We built further background knowledge to start with by watching clips on the process of digestion. We referred back to hook which to support our discussions. We shared facts in mini crews then as a whole crew and created an anchor chart. We then thought about the features our a narrative and which we may use in our own story. We looked at a model text which involved lots of giggles! Here we referred back to the purpose of our writing where we need to ensure we entertain the reader. We text marked with our partner and there were so many opportunities today to practise our own reading fluency. Mrs McClare used timers to focus on our words per minute. When reading the text, we found the narrative features and thought about why they were used. From here we explored some other examples, these were from Y4 children in other schools. We offered praises, notices and wonders in relation to the features and how the pieces looked. Again we read out loud with our partner and text marked as we read. We then shared our ideas with the whole crew. We have really enjoyed our lesson today, a great start to our Monday 🙂

Caring Crew

This week in Crew we have been exploring how to keep mentally as well as physically healthy. We explored the term mental health and how we can support this by using different strategies to overcome big feelings. One way we explored today was competing some seated yoga. It was a lot tricker than it looked!

Maths – counting 1

In maths, we have been looking at the number 1. We know that the number 1 only likes to have 1 of everything. We know if something is 1 because it is by itself. We decided that we wanted to make the number 1 a snack – some of us decided to make 1 cupcake, whilst others decided to make 1 pizza. We also made sure that the table was set properly, with 1 knife, 1 fork, 1 cup and 1 plate. Once we had made a snack for number 1, we showed the number 1 using our fingers!

Sharing our Stories: 10/01/2025

Beautiful Work This Week

Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust this week! To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit

Top of the Blogs

Shrinky Dink Excitement @ Norton Infants

Class 7 Fruit Baskets @ Green Top

Classification or Chaos? @ Plover

Stan and Mabel Experience Lesson @ Carcroft School

C28 Product @ XP

3SG get hooked into science @ Norton Juniors

Weekly Update for Families @ XP Gateshead

Crew White @ XP East

Share your stories with us!

We now have a new dedicated news email so that you can send your stories, updates or ideas about potential news articles directly to us in Comms.

It might be something you or your students have achieved, a charity you’re supporting or anything at all that deserves a wider audience.

Write to us at [email protected] –  we want to hear about it, write about it and celebrate it!

Showing Kindness

With it being our first week back after the Christmas holidays, we have had lots of crew challenges to continue to develop our Be Kind HoWL. We particularly enjoyed the Jelly Baby challenge where we were challenged to look after our Jelly Baby, all day, without eating it! Some of the crew made it a safe space to ensure it was well looked after. Fortunately, five out of the six Jelly Babies survived, with Declan’s still going strong two days later!