Phonics 📚

We have been working extremely hard on our phonics since the start of the year, and so that we are practising as much as we can, we have been using the iPads as additional tuition during our provision time. We have really enjoyed learning with Fred and letting him hear how good we are getting at recognising sounds and getting speedier. Some of us even used the whiteboards on the table to practise our letter formation! We know that the more we practise, the better we will become!

Learning to blend in Crew MW’s phonics

We’ve been working really hard on our learning to blend steps in phonics this week. We’ve been listening to Fred’s Fred talk, blending the sounds into words and then using our magnetic letters to make the words. Once we’ve made them, we’ve used our ‘Fred talk, read the word’ to sound out and read the words back! We’re all going to be super blenders in no time!

Reading Volunteers Wanted!

Hello Everyone! 

We are yet again looking for some volunteers (across all crews) to come into school and listen to some children read on a 1:1 basis. 

Scarily, 1 in 4 children leave primary school unable to read well, resulting in life long consequences. It is our mission at Carcroft to ensure that all of our children leave our school able to read well. 

If you have some time to spare, a day, a few hours or even an hour, and enjoy spending time with children then we would love it if you could come and help us to support our children with reading. 

We hope that from this experience our children will become better readers and develop a stronger love for reading and for you to gain an enormous amount of pleasure from seeing the difference that a few hours can make to a child’s reading ability, confidence and enjoyment. 

Ideally we would appreciate volunteers giving us their time for as long as possible, however if you are only able to commit to a few weeks or months then please do not hesitate to enquire. 

If you feel like this is something that you can offer then please pop into the school office who will be able to provide you with more details. 

We look forward to hearing from you. 

Mrs Elmer (English Lead)

RWI is back!

This week RWI started back up because at Carcroft we know the importance of learning to read. Therefore, we wasted no time in getting started. Here’s a few of our groups in action. We can’t wait to see the progress our children make in their phonics each half term. We are also going to be inviting parents into school to understand more about how you can help your child to read at home. Keep an eye on the weekly newsletter.