Keeping Carcroft clean 🚮

Some children from Crew Marsh explored the outdoor area of our School today. We spoke about the importance of litter picking but also making sure it is safe to do so. Some of them were quite shocked at how much they found but also quite impressed that they could all hold the huge pipe they found too! They did a great job and hopefully they spread their enthusiasm about keeping their environment safe to others in the community 👏

Continuous provision in Crew MW 🧑🏻‍🎨🌧👷🏻🧮

We really enjoy exploring our continuous provision in Crew MW. Here are some of the exciting things we have been up to and some of the creations members of our crew have produced! We always show such wonderful Be Kind HOWLs when working in provision – sharing with other members of the crew, speaking nicely to one another, helping other people, and using our manners. We have also been trying super hard to think about our Work Hard HOWLs too whilst in provision – just on Monday alone there were many examples of trying even when challenged, active participation, and lots of positive attitudes!

Even though we really enjoy our indoor provision, our favourite moment of Monday was going outside in our wellies and splashing about in all the puddles, riding through them on our bikes and scooters, and swinging from the climbing frame!