Crew Boswell – Working Together

In our final challenge crew, we carried on building our communication and teamwork skills with a few problem-solving activities. A hoop race and version of cops and robbers saw us thinking about strategies to become more efficient whilst ensuring we were all working to a common goal.

Finding doubles – outdoor maths!

We have been looking at what doubles are, and what happens to a number when you double it. We took our learning outside this week and had a ‘Doubles Hunt’! We each had to take a piece of numicon out of the mystery bag before searching the playground for the matching image. Once we had found it, we had to count what double the original number was. Even though we all had a piece, we worked well with our peers and showed fantastic team-work by helping each other find the correct image and then helping to count to find double that number. Excellent work Crew Welburn!


So today down in EYFS the children found a baby hedgehog in front of the shed. Ms Haddock and Mrs Gilliland put him in a box with some blankets to keep him nice and warm. Then Mrs Gilliland kindly took him to hedgehog hospital where they weighed him(60g) He has to weigh 720g before they will let him go back into the wild. So cute🦔😍