So today down in EYFS the children found a baby hedgehog in front of the shed. Ms Haddock and Mrs Gilliland put him in a box with some blankets to keep him nice and warm. Then Mrs Gilliland kindly took him to hedgehog hospital where they weighed him(60g) He has to weigh 720g before they will let him go back into the wild. So cute🦔😍
XP outdoors planting in crew MI
The children have checked on their sunflower today and we are happy to say that they’ve started to grow. The childrem are really looking forward to taking these home at the end of term.
Planting XP Outdoors
So part of xp outdoors this term the whole school have done planting. Here are what year 6 did crew MI (Sunflowers) At the end of the term the children will be able to take them home.
Planting lettuce 🥬
In XP Outdoors we planted lettuce seeds. We are very excited to watch our lettuce grow over the next few weeks.
Scotty’s Heroes Year 6
Fantastic session today. The children made an observation shelter and the winning team were the girls Maddie, Sienna, Frankie, Harper, Sophia and Heidi. Well done girls
Planting peas 🪴🌱
This afternoon, we planted our own pea seed! We followed the instructions carefully and filled out our plant planner. We can’t wait to watch our pea grow and fill in our planner! 🌱
After school club
they made their own nature tree using flowers and grass
Fun in the sun! ☀️
The weather has been beautiful this week and it has allowed us to have lots of fun outside! We also did another assault course during crew because we enjoyed it SO much last week 💪🏼
Den Building(xp outdoors)
This week in xp outdoors they’ve been working as a crew to build a den.
Challenge Crew in Crew Boswell
Today our challenge crew was to follow a simple instruction: “build a tower of shoes”. After enthusiasm saw multiple towers, we worked together to build one taller tower which we then measured. The question is, can we do better next time? And before you ask, we took it outside to enjoy the weather, not because of the smell! 😉