Oreo-ver the moon

In expedition, we focused on the phases of the moon. We discussed what the moon looks like and how sometimes it can look different; it is always a spherical shape but doesn’t always appear this shape in the sky. More importantly we delved deeper to find out why…

It turns out that we can only see the moon thanks to the biggest light source of them all – the sun!

We looked at the names of the eight moon phases and then the children had an INCREDIBLE time creating the moon phases using OREOS! It was great seeing children working together, delicately picking apart the biscuits in order to accurately show the eight phases of the moon.

If only every science lesson involved Oreos…

Blasting into immersion week

This week we have engaged with a range of tasks in order to guess the title and guiding question for the expedition. We have been scientists by exploring our solar system, naming and ordering planets, learning all about forces and to top it off going in the wonder dome, which deepened our understanding. We also painted some beautiful art work of the Sun, Earth and Moon. We researched the artist Andy Warhol, which inspired us to create images with similar techniques and relate to outer space. We used a variety of skills and tools in order to produce these including the use of varying brush strokes, dabbing of a sponge and flicking of a toothbrush to create different elements of our image.