Investigating materials

Today in expedition, we started thinking about how we could help the Gingerbread Man to cross the river. We began by looking at different types of materials and describing them, before looking at the words, ‘float’ and ‘sink’. We decided that the best materials to help the gingerbread man get across the river would be the ones that float! Next, we predicted which materials would float and which would sink before testing them. We can’t wait to plan our designs tomorrow and make our creations with our grow ups on Thursday!

Science Experiment – Ice Caps 🧊

Yesterday, Crew Hamill prepared their next science experiment titled: “How does the temperature affect the rate at which ice melts?” We had a recap of what we already know about the ice caps and discussed how the ice is melting in Svalbard which is leading to problems in Svalbard and the UK. To understand the impact temperature has on ice, we have started an experiment in which we have prepared three blocks of ice that we will be exposing to three different environments – one in the freezer, one on a table at room temperature and one on a radiator, exposed to a higher temperature. We made a prediction that the ice at a higher temperature will melt at a faster rate than the ice in the freezer. We cannot wait to complete our experiment to see if we are right!

Ice experiment

Today in Crew Haddock we did another experiment but this time with ice. They had to get 3 cups and fill them with the same amount of water and put them in the freezer. Once they are frozen we then put 1 on the table, 1 on the radiator and then we left the last one in the freezer. We then checked each cup every 30 minutes to see which one was melting first. We found that the one on the radiator melted first and the one in the freezer didn’t melt at all.

Line graph in Science

Yesterday afternoon, we recorded the results from our science experiment as a line graph. This allowed us to clearly see that the water on the radiator melted at a much quicker rate than the one on the table and one still in the freezer. We were able to make links with this to global warming and the fact the ice caps at melting at a faster rate due to the Earth warming up.

Science Experiment🧑‍🔬

So today in Crew Haddock we did an experiment on global warming. We had to predict what would happen then put our theory to the test using 2 thermometer , glass cup and plastic cup with the same amount of water in. Throughout the day we recored the temperature in each cup to see which would hold in the heat .

Science Write up

In science, we have been continuing to look at the effects of global warming by conducting some experiments. Our experiment was looking at how temperature is effected based on the conditions. We placed one thermometer in a plastic container and one in a glass container before recording the results at regular intervals. We found that the glass container held the heat because it created a greenhouse effect and trapped the heat.

Super scientists! 🥼🧑‍🔬

In expedition today, we set up our experiment. First we thought of a title for our experiment “How does temperature of water change when using different materials?”. Then, we came up with a prediction – what we thought would happen in this experiment. We had some great ideas such as “the water in the glass cup will be hotter because it will act like a blanket and keep the heat in.” We then wrote our equipment list. Finally, we set up our experiment. We can’t wait to record the results and finish writing our science report. 🥼✍️

Scientific report

In our science lesson today, we wrote up our scientific reports from our investigation, which was investigating temperatures of water in a glass and in a plastic cup (which represents the greenhouse affect). We started by writing our own predictions.

What impact is climate change having on the environment 🌎❄️

In expedition this afternoon, we looked at what climate change is and how it is effecting the environment and animal habitats. We discovered that climate is the weather patterns in a region for over 30 years. We then looked at how the climate has changed in Svalbard. We used our learning from the previous lesson and found out that the sea temperature and air temperature in Svalbard has increased and this is melting the ice therefore impacting polar bear habitats.

Polar Bear Experience at YWP 🐻‍❄️

Today we were very lucky to be able to have a video call live for the Project Polar at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We were able to ask lots of questions and found out lots of information about the polar bears who live in Doncaster. We found out their skin is black and their fur is see through, they like to eat lots and meat and they enjoy playing with lots of different toys. A huge thank you to Alex who made sure we saw the polar bears swimming, walking and snoozing!