New additions to EYFS 🐣🐥

This week we have welcomed 15 new, fluffy arrivals to EYFS 🐥

The eggs arrived earlier in the week, and we watched the incubator in anticipation to see if we could see any movement or cracks appearing.

After a couple of days, we came to school one morning to find that some of the chicks had hatched overnight and were starting to fluff up in the warmth of the incubator! We could hear them cheeping and we could not believe that they had come out of something so small!

That same day, 5 more eggs hatched and we were lucky enough to watch some of them happen in front of our eyes! We had some visitors from other crews in school – everyone has been so excited! The following day, the remaining 5 eggs had all hatched too and we now had 15 new arrivals to look after. We had to wait until they were fully dry and fluffed up before transferring them to their brooder box.

We made sure that the brooder box was nice and cosy for them, switching on the heat lamp and making it comfortable, as well as sorting water and food out for them. Since then, we have been watching them getting to grips with their first few days out of their eggs. They are so cute and we all love them so much! Now that they are a little stronger, we will be able to hold them if we want to! We can’t wait to spend the next few days with them before they go off to their new homes with some of the very lovely staff from our school! 🐥

World Ocean Day!

Today in Crew Thompson, we celebrated World Ocean Day! World Oceans Day is all about protecting the ocean. A healthy planet needs a healthy ocean, but our waters face huge risks from overfishing, climate change, and plastic pollution. Luckily, we can help! We came up with lots of great ways to protect our oceans such as: recycling, picking up our litter and not using as much plastic.

Fun in the sun! ☀️

We’ve had lots of fun in the sunshine this week in Crew Welburn! We’ve made slides for dinosaurs, transported water using pipes and funnels, and even splashed our feet in our make shift paddling pools to cool off! The children are really developing their independence, curiosity and team work this week, and are working well together to explore how different things work – it is lovely to stand back and watch them forming strong friendships with each other!

The children have also been enjoying indoor provision, and are still excited by our story, Little Red Riding Hood. We spotted a wolf in school last night, so Leon decided to dress up as the Woodcutter to scare him away, and some of the boy and girls even made up a song to scare him off! We hope he doesn’t come back!

Sharing our Expeditionary learning in LKS2 🌋⛰🌧🌍📖

This afternoon we welcomed lots of our grown ups into school to show them our current extraordinary expedition work, ‘Earth Shattering Events’, ‘What happens when nature strikes?’. We enjoyed sharing the work that we completed during Hook Week (making a volcano, earthquake simulation, walking through water and Earth Day celebrations!), as well as the Science (rocks and soils) and Geography (mountains) coverage from Case Study One.

We also got the opportunity to share our fabulous writing including our Lava recount and our broadcasting scripts.

Thank you to all of the grown ups (and newborn babies!) who came to share their child/rens learning this afternoon. It was lovely to see how proud the children were of the beautiful work that they have been producing.

We look forward to sharing the rest of our learning with you all in July at our COL Event on Wednesday 12th July! We hope to see you then! 😁

Fantastic Fossils!

Today, we looked at what fossils are and the process of fossil formation. First, we made our own fossils in modelling clay. We found this really interesting and loved seeing the patterns appear in the clay. We then worked in mini crews to order the process of fossil formation.

Crew FE

Today, we sketched and labelled the different parts of a volcano. The children in our Crew worked really hard to understand the different parts of a volcano and certainly enjoyed watching some videos of volcanoes erupting around the world. The children also asked thoughtful questions to extend their own knowledge. Keep up the great work Crew FE!


The children in Crew FE used modelling clay to create the composition of the Earth. As a crew we discussed the layers of the Earth and how they are different. Some children even asked questions to further their own knowledge which was wonderful, such as: Is the Earth’s core hotter than the sun?