Sharing our Expeditionary learning in LKS2 🌋⛰🌧🌍📖

This afternoon we welcomed lots of our grown ups into school to show them our current extraordinary expedition work, ‘Earth Shattering Events’, ‘What happens when nature strikes?’. We enjoyed sharing the work that we completed during Hook Week (making a volcano, earthquake simulation, walking through water and Earth Day celebrations!), as well as the Science (rocks and soils) and Geography (mountains) coverage from Case Study One.

We also got the opportunity to share our fabulous writing including our Lava recount and our broadcasting scripts.

Thank you to all of the grown ups (and newborn babies!) who came to share their child/rens learning this afternoon. It was lovely to see how proud the children were of the beautiful work that they have been producing.

We look forward to sharing the rest of our learning with you all in July at our COL Event on Wednesday 12th July! We hope to see you then! 😁

Fantastic Fossils!

Today, we looked at what fossils are and the process of fossil formation. First, we made our own fossils in modelling clay. We found this really interesting and loved seeing the patterns appear in the clay. We then worked in mini crews to order the process of fossil formation.

Crew FE

Today, we sketched and labelled the different parts of a volcano. The children in our Crew worked really hard to understand the different parts of a volcano and certainly enjoyed watching some videos of volcanoes erupting around the world. The children also asked thoughtful questions to extend their own knowledge. Keep up the great work Crew FE!


The children in Crew FE used modelling clay to create the composition of the Earth. As a crew we discussed the layers of the Earth and how they are different. Some children even asked questions to further their own knowledge which was wonderful, such as: Is the Earth’s core hotter than the sun?

Super soil sections!

As part of our current Expedition, Earth Shattering Events, we looked at the different layers of soil. We made our own soil showing the organic matter, topsoil, subsoil and bedrock using different biscuits.

Flower art 🌸

We have some beautiful blossom trees in our outdoor area in EYFS and we have noticed that some of the flowers had started to fall off and onto the playground. During our last expedition, we used small wooden hammers to create flower art so we decided to get them out and use the blossom to make beautiful pictures.

We added glue to our paper before choosing our flowers and using the hammers to flatten them onto our paper, making sure they were well stuck down. The final pieces looked really pretty!

Whilst we were doing this activity, we spotted a huge bee taking a break on the flowers we planted last half term. We looked carefully at how it was moving, making sure that we didn’t get too close and frighten him. We noticed that it was wiggling it’s body, trying to get lots of pollen stuck to it. We left some sugary water nearby in case it needed more energy to continue finding pollen. 🐝

LKS2 Summer Hook Week

To kick start off our new expedition learning-Earth Shattering Events- Crew Pashley, Crew Thompson and Crew FE participated in various activities throughout hook week. We sketched snapshots of life in Pompeii, to create whole crew storyboards demonstrating what it was like when Mount Vesuvius erupted.

All the crews participated in a carousel of activities and experiments to begin our learning on natural disasters. We made coke and mentos volcanoes, experienced what a cold flood would feel like, and experienced what an earthquake would feel like.

Stem Project – Pulleys

We ended our hook week with a stem project that required us to use our problem solving skills. Children were given a range of resources and they had to use these to create a pulley system. We linked this to how in the olden days. miners and other industries would have relied on systems like this to help them move large loads of coal.

This activity really challenged our resilience as there were a few different steps that needed to be completed to allow them to successful. We managed some of the steps but then required some clues to support with the rest.