First day back…

It has been a busy first day back as we caught on all the delightful things that happened over Christmas but also getting back into our routine. In Crew Shields, we find routines and structure very important so essential that we get settled in quickly.

We started the day with Crew and finding out what Santa delivered. Lots of very lucky children this Christmas.

We then started into reading which is a new text about the eye. We reminded ourselves about the importance of text marking and how this can support our comprehension.

During Expedition, we started with some hook activities to get us immersed in our learning. Absolutely great to see we have some history experts in the room. I may need to use that knowledge as we move through this expedition. We even started to infer what we think the guided questions may be based on what we’ve done so far. The big reveal will happen on Friday and no doubt we’ll be able to have some more guesses at the question.

Phonics workshop follow up

Thank you to all of the parents who made it to the phonics workshop today – it was lovely to see so many of you! Here’s the video to support how to say the sounds to support your children at home. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to me ☺️

Exploring our new text in reading

MI started to explore the front cover and blurb of our new text. We explored the layout thinking about what the text may be about. We then worked collaboratively in a vocabulary challenge where we matched words from the front cover to definitions. We then linked this back to our guiding question and expedition. We then made predictions based on the front cover thinking about what we may read about, the different sections in the book and linking our ideas to books with similar themes.

A great start in MI…

We started our day with our caring crew. Here we continued to think about families and people who care for us. We started to discuss how we can support our families. We discussed some of our favourite memories then we worked as a crew to build our own acrostic poem about family. Finally we worked independently to create our own. We shared these as part of our debrief.

During reading, we started to learn about forces. We used lots of strategies to develop our fluency then worked collaboratively during our book talk session.

In writing we used the planning we had built last week to write PP2 of our independent write. Some great writing by all 🙂 A great day MI 🙂

Year 3/4 transition week update!

What a great start to our new Year 3/4 classes. After a bit of settling in, we have been able to complete some Crew building activities. We built spaghetti and marshmallow towers – the aim was to build the highest structure we could with the same amount of items. This has helped us feel more comfortable with each other!

Throughout the week, so far, we have also been looking at the book Small Things. We have been having many discussions about feelings and worries, in order to help settle us. These interesting discussions have been a fantastic way of getting to know our new Crews and how we can help them feel better when they aren’t quite feeling themselves!

Keep your eyes peeled for the rest of the week, where we will share our sketches of London monuments. This is preparing us for our new Expedition in Autumn! 👀👀

Crew Welburn’s new toy!

We have received a new device in Crew Welburn which we are absolutely loving! It is called a yoto and we use it to listen to our favourite stories and songs. So far, we have listened to ‘Funnybones’, ‘The Highway Rat’ and ‘Animal Stories’. We have listened carefully and acted out parts of the stories with funny actions. We can’t wait to explore all of the other stories we have!