A massive thank you to all of the children who helped to raise money for the event today. 💕

Personal Development
A massive thank you to all of the children who helped to raise money for the event today. 💕
We have loved our morning with Danny Evans, learning all about his basketball career and enjoying a fitness circuit with him. 🏀
Today we continued our learning around Christianity. We listened to a range music and discussed how and why they use music in worship. We listened for similarities and differences between them. Finally, we thought about what songs were special to us and what emotions they made us feel.
We also enjoyed tasting bread and learning about the Holy Communion.
On Wednesday, we were treated to a production of Oliver Twist. This was a big deal for Crew McGlone because it was the first time we had been in the hall for a performance with the rest of the school! We absolutely LOVED IT! We loved the lights, the music, everything! We sat so beautifully as well throughout the whole performance, our teachers we so proud of how well we behaved! We can’t wait for the next production! 🎭
This week in LKS2 we had lots of successes to celebrate in our LKS2 Community Meeting! We had three pupils who all achieved Learning Legend this week for being super mathematicians and blowing us all away with their recent arithmetic test scores!
We also celebrated all of those pupils who have been reading at home the most in each Crew, it was AMAZING to see so many pupils in Crew Thompson that had read 5 times in a week! I wonder if some others might be able to do this next week and if we can have more pupils to celebrate?! 📚
In addition to those pupils who read at home regularly we also chose a ‘Star Reader’ from each crew! This week the reasons were for, making great progress in reading fluency, participating lots during reading sessions and for excellent comprehension skills during assessment week. These pupils also got to have a special breakfast with Mrs Atherton today! I wonder who our ‘Star Readers’ will be next week?
Finally, we celebrated some extra special achievements. These boys have been working incredibly hard out of school! One for participating in a football tournament and the other for writing his own story linked to our Expeditionary learning! Fab work boys! Well done! 👏
In Lesson 2, we learnt about the various events that are held in churches and we built background knowledge around some of these. We used the internet to research and made an anchor chart to present back to the rest of the class.
Narrated by Kacey.
Crew Mc has found a passion for RE, (also know as Religion education) as we all enjoy it, especially today. Ethan even joked that RE stood for ‘Really Exciting’ 😃. First off, we started with an entry ticket, trying to remember what we watched about a 11 year old boy named Nathan. Next, we listened to some hymns they sing while worshiping. Max and Brooklyn sang along with Miss and some of us recognised the song.
Then Miss came round with various types of bread: the bread represented Jesus’s flesh/body. The instructions were to thank someone in your life every time you ate a piece of bread – we filled out a HoWL card for these special people we appreciate in our lives. Miss had a smile on her face when she had received one on her desk💕
While eating, we watched a couple videos about ‘The Last Supper’ where Jesus said about how the wine represented blood and the bread represented his body.You might already know this but do you know what a holy communion is? A holy communion a ritual commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. We finished with a de-brief to note down all our new learning to ensure it sticks!
Narrated by Esme.
Today we described and explained what Christians do to show their beliefs at church. We looked at some church windows and thought about what we would see if we peeped inside. We thought about how this would be different on a Sunday morning, weekday and on an evening in the week. We then explored some church notice boards thinking about what was happening. We referred back to our initial ideas thinking about if our ideas were the same. We then looked at a variety of bible quotes and thought about how they relate to the items on each of the notice boards. There was some great discussions here 🙂 Finally we chose one of the things on the notice board and researched more into it. We then shared our ideas as a mini crew before presenting to the whole crew. We all really enjoyed listening to each others ideas and finding out more about the things that happen all the time in churches. We are excited for our next RE lesson 🙂
Today we worked in small groups to present our final word presentations to an audience. Our presentations to our parents are getting closer so we are refining our speaking and listening skills ready for the big day 🙂 It was lovely for children to share their journeys with other crew members then give critique for improvement.
Today we started a unit of work on Christianity. We looked at a variety of pictures from a family home, thinking about what we could see and then thinking about what type of home the pictures have come from. We then discussed the pictures in more detail thinking about how some of the pictures related to Christianity. We then became detectives where we tried to make links between the items and thought about the importances of each item. From here we ordered our items from the most important to the least important which raised some great discussions! We really challenged each others thinking.
We then moved on to looking at a weekly calendar thinking about our families and what would go on our own weekly calendar. We then watched a clip on a boy called Nathan. We thought about all the things he does in his week and added this to a calendar. We annotated the calendar to say why he is choosing to do certain things.
In our debrief we thought about challenges Christian’s face and what a Sunday morning may look like for a Christian compared to our Sunday morning. We also thought about all the good things about being a Christian. What a fantastic lesson this was! Such great collaboration and discussions taking place 🙂
Today was the turn of Shiloh to share her talent with us. She had told me she wanted to sing which I was surprised by as she can be quite shy. However, this afternoon she blew us all away!
This confident girl stood up in front of her crew and sang like an angel. I have no idea where she has been hiding that voice but I’m very glad she felt comfortable enough to share with us. Shiloh has only ever sang in front of her family so this was the first time she sang in front of a group.