This week, we chose to read ‘Slug needs a hug!’ when we visited the library. We loved talking about why slug should like the way he looks and that he shouldn’t change to look like someone else, because it would be very boring if we all looked the same!
Super Scotties session 👟💨🏃
This morning, we had lots of fun whilst working on our communication and listening skills. We were able to play lots of different games where we worked as a team to achieve a common goal. We can’t wait for next weeks session ☺️
What a blustery day 🌬️
The wind didn’t stop us having a great time at Scottie’s, it was very difficult to work against the wind but we absolutely smashed it showing resilience and determination to succeed 💪
Student Led Conference ✅
We are so proud of the children who took part in their SLC’s last night. The children showed courage presenting to their families and spoke with pride about their learning over the last term. I was so proud of you all and I can’t wait to hear the children tomorrow share their learning journey.
Yorkshire Water Lego workshop 🧱
Last week, year 5 took part in a fantastic workshop which consolidated their learning on their autumn expedition and also their expedition around the water cycle last year. The children then worked in groups to create a Lego bot which they then programmed using a computer so it would move on its own to deliver much needed water supplies. The children really enjoyed this but it was also great to see them all grappling and working collaboratively.
If it’s good enough for our children…..
Staff do crew too! At XP, we always say, if it’s good enough for the children, it’s good enough for us.
Therefore, just like our pupils, staff also take part in staff crew events. Yesterday staff had to work with small crews they don’t often work with to complete the ‘Great British Bake Off’. The challenge was to produce Mary Berry standards cakes whilst also decorating and presenting their beautiful work. It was a challenge in just 60 minutes!
I’m sure you’ll agree that there were some wonderful creations which the children enjoyed exploring too!
In 1st place was ‘The Gruffalo’ followed by ‘Wonka’ in second place and in third, ‘Mary Beary’.
Last week, we got our focus solely on our timetables and ensure we are secure with all of them. This year we’ll have the MTC so it’s important that we’re ready for it.
The children volunteered to lead chanting the timetables. We talked about the importance of saying the full number sentence rather than just the answers.
Crew Challenge
Our crew Challenge was to use a range of gestures to help people decide which card they had. Each person was given a card and you had to treat people based on the value of their card. After having time to greet each other, they then had to decide if they had a low, middle or high value card. Once they’d decided they could finally look at their card. Most children were able to guess the value of their card as some children bowed to them, waved or give them a thumbs up/down.
We discussed how there will be occasions when we don’t have to say anything because our body language will do all the talking.
Young Voices 2024! 🎵🎤✨
Yet another fabulous year performing at Sheffield Arena as part of Young Voices 2024!
Super Scottie’s
Today our Scottie’s hero was Jax. He showed impeccable listening ears and was able to follow all the instructions perfectly, well done Jax!