This morning, our check-in was to spell out our names using exercise although we did tweak it slightly to make it more classroom-friendly. Here’s a glimpse of what it looked like. Do you think you could manage to spell out your name?

This morning, our check-in was to spell out our names using exercise although we did tweak it slightly to make it more classroom-friendly. Here’s a glimpse of what it looked like. Do you think you could manage to spell out your name?
We have had an amazing afternoon at Campsmount competing in the rounders tournament. Everyone showed great sportsmanship and really worked well as a team. Here are some highlights of the competition…
“The other team said we were unbeatable” Lucas
“Today was amazing” Gabriel
“Look on the bright side, least we weren’t last” Sophia
“At first we weren’t so good but then we just kept getting better and better. It was perfect” Tiarna
“I chipped my nail on the first round!” Ellie
This half term, children will be preparing for sports day so they’ve started with the basics – running.
Today Bobby was the hero of the week. Well done
We can’t believe that we’ve reached the half way mark with swimming lessons.
The children are making progress every week and it’s lovely to see how much they’ve come on over the last 6 weeks.
We’ve a group of children in the deep end and quite a few have moved to the middle section today. A few are still in the shallow end but making strides every week.
Swimming will be as normal tomorrow so children need to ensure they wear their swimming stuff under their clothes and bring the rest of their swimming stuff. They need to also remember to have breakfast as we won’t be having bagels until we return to school.
Due to loving our athlete visit last year….
I am excited to announce that we have an athlete visiting school Monday 3rd July 2023.
Children should have come home with a sponsor form tonight, sponsor forms are due in Monday 19th June 2023.
Sponsor forms should be handed in to class teachers or the office once all sponsor money has been collected.
This is a great opportunity for the children to meet a GB athlete and raise money for school at the same time, as soon as we know who the school athlete is I will share.
lovely weather today doing the activity