Strength and speed

Today the children had a Scotty’s session and Mick definitely put them through their paces. Children had to work in mini crews to either flip huge tyres, carry one, drag a tyre and also drag a casualty to safety. We even had a group doing steps ups while containing a box of tasmanian devils. Some great team work demonstrated today.

Super Scottys!

This morning, we had a fab scottys session outside. We focused on working as a team and building crew relationships! This is definitely something we are going to continue to work on and develop in Crew Thompson! 🛞💪

Crew Robson attend Scottie’s Heroes

Crew Robson enjoyed their first Scottie’s Heroes session with Mick today.

They played games and worked together as a team to complete their exercises. Mick was really impressed by Eveah who helped her team and demonstrated great HowLs too.

We are already looking forward to our next session!