In Scotties we were working on our listening skills and our ability to work with a partner. It was essential that we listened to instructions so that we could keep each other safe. Lots of sore muscles the following day after all those squats.
In Scotties we were working on our listening skills and our ability to work with a partner. It was essential that we listened to instructions so that we could keep each other safe. Lots of sore muscles the following day after all those squats.
We have had a fantastic time at our football tournament, shown kindness throughout, cheering each other on and giving it our best! Well done team Carcroft, proud of you all!
This week in P.E Crew Boswell have been working on their ball skills and were ready to play a game.
We are starting to get really confident with our basketball skills now!
Carcroft camps are back this October half term – sign your child/children up using the following link. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/carcroft-fusion-camp-october-half-term-2023-tickets-728730982987?aff=oddtdtcreator
This afternoon, Crew Shields practiced some football Skills in preparation for the tournament coming up in a couple of weeks.
Crew Hamill had a lovely morning outside doing Scotty heros
In active fusion we have been learning about the sport tag rugby. We learnt many techniques of how to throw and catch the ball. We found out that if you throw the ball forward it would be a fowl throw. Then we practiced the scissor technique until we got the hang of it. We cannot wait for the tournament that is coming up to see who will get chosen. Here are the stars of the lesson, well done girls!
By Crew Mcloughlin Bloggers
Today in Scotty’s Heroes, Crew Boswell were put through a variety of challenging workouts with a partner. 💪
This afternoon we had a fantastic PE lesson where we were practicing our passing skills. We discussed what makes a good pass and what this should look like. Children identified that we should make a pass using the inside of our foot so that we have more accuracy. Keep up the great work!