KS1 had a fantastic time yesterday at Campsmount competing in the multi-skills completion. We were so proud of how the children competed, showed resilience and supported their crew. We even got a little gift from the North Pole!

KS1 had a fantastic time yesterday at Campsmount competing in the multi-skills completion. We were so proud of how the children competed, showed resilience and supported their crew. We even got a little gift from the North Pole!
In Scotties this week, we worked on our communication and listening skills. We worked as part of a team to get to the enemy without being seen. We did a great job of this as it did get quite tricky at times remembering who was going next. At the end of the session, we timed each team to see who was the quickest. We can’t wait for the next Scotties session!
After the new year we have camps running at Carcroft – 2nd January – 5th January. Sign up using the link below. Coach Luke is doing the camps.
So in Crew Haddock the children had an old student come into school (Kodi) and showed them some basic boxing skills. The children really enjoyed this and really looking forward to some more 🥊
Despite the bitter cold weather, Crew Shields had a great time in Scotty’s. They played lots of games to keep them warm which was evident when the coats started coming off.
It was lovely hearing the great communication but also them holding each other to account so they were playing fair.
This morning, Crew Thompson were very lucky to have Scotties Heroes. First, we played a blindfolded game of collect the cones. We worked in mini crews and had to make sure we gave clear instructions for our partner to follow. We had to make sure we were listening to the instructions carefully and used the directions given. Next, we went into the forest and tried to get through the string maze. It was really good fun and we can’t wait to try and do this blindfolded next time!
In Scotty’s, the children continued to work on their communication. One partner was blind folded and directed to pick up cones. At the end the points were added together to see the winning team.
In Crew Marsh the children have really embraced working in small groups during their break and lunchtimes. They have been working on lots of different skills, some new and some previously shown in PE lessons. This varies from dancing and balancing, to target throws and tennis games. It has been great to watch the children grow in confidence and now start to set up these activities themselves, showing great teamwork throughout. We always end our break time by joining one long line and doing the ‘conga’ to collect all of our equipment around the playground before heading back inside. I can’t wait to see what other exciting activities are coming up!
Today Y1 got introduced to a racket and how to use it. We played lots of different games with our rackets to get used to how to hold it. I was so impressed and can’t wait to build on this next week.
This afternoon in our PE lesson, we developed our dodging skills to avoid being hit. The two things we needed to be successful today were keeping our head up to see the throwers and standing in the ready position with your knees bent ready to move. First, we practiced in partners dodging, ducking and jumping out of the way of the ball. Then, we had a bigger game of dodgeball. We were able to put our dodging skills into practice. It was fantastic to see the children playing by the rules and being honest if they got hit.