Xp Outdoors(Turtles)

So the weather was really bad in our forest area so we were unable to in there but it didn’t stop us from doing what we normal do in there. We made our very own turtles, using wool, lollipop sticks and felt tip pens.

Digestion – How does it work?

After learning about the organs involved with digesting out food, we learned about how each organ plays a vital role in the digestion of food. We discovered the journey that food takes and what happens to it in each stage. To help with this we were able to complete an experiment which shows what happens to food. This did get a little messy but we had fun and really helped our understanding.

Where do the bones and organs go?

Before learning about the digestive system, we built a human. Children worked together to cut out the bones and organs before deciding where they thought they should go. We were pretty good at deciding where the bones should go but needed a little support with the organs. We then narrowed it down to the organs that are involved with digesting our food.

How do different liquids effect our teeth?

To help us understand the effects of different liquids on our teeth, we conducted an experiment. We used an egg shell which is similar to the enamel of our teeth and placed it into 5 different liquids – coke, orange juice, dilute, coffee and water. We predicted which liquid would cause the most damage. The majority of the crew thought this was coke, however, we were in for a surprise.

After a week, we observed the changes to the egg. Surprisingly, the egg with the most damage was the one in pure orange. This caused a thin layer to peel off and left the surface mottled and rough. Although, fruit is good for us we need to ensure we brush our teeth because the natural sugar in fruit can damage our teeth.

Names of our teeth

Last week we started hook week off by learning about teeth. We learned about the different teeth that we have to help us eat. We learned the function (job) of the teeth and the location of each type of teeth. We read a text together about teeth which helped us gain further knowledge about teeth. Did you know that humans have 2 sets of teeth in their lifetime? Did you know that not everyone gets wisdom teeth?

Terrific Teeth

Crew Godley have had a fantastic week exploring their teeth. We began our learning by looking at the different types of teeth we have and their purposes. We explored our mouths with a mirror where we looked at the different teeth we have.

We then created moulds of our teeth so we could compare where we all were we in our journey. Some of us had lost baby teeth whilst others were still waiting too.

We then moved onto setting up our teeth investigation where we will explore the impact different liquids have on our teeth. We created our own question and hypothesis then thought about our variables. We listed all the equipment we would use then created our method.

We then explored the best ways to look after our teeth. We watched a video clip all about healthy teeth and visiting the dentist. We looked at how we should be brushing our teeth and even had a go at this!

Finally, we’ve created our own posters to promote keeping our teeth healthy.

Maths – counting 1

In maths, we have been looking at the number 1. We know that the number 1 only likes to have 1 of everything. We know if something is 1 because it is by itself. We decided that we wanted to make the number 1 a snack – some of us decided to make 1 cupcake, whilst others decided to make 1 pizza. We also made sure that the table was set properly, with 1 knife, 1 fork, 1 cup and 1 plate. Once we had made a snack for number 1, we showed the number 1 using our fingers!