Past or Present? To Be Verbs

In grammar, Crew Hamill have continued to learn about the ‘to be’ verb and understanding past and present. We had the Carcroft Time Machine to help us decide if given sentences were in the past tense or the present tense. We then used our knowledge to organise sentences into past and present tense.

The Phases of The Moon

To continue Case Study 1, we have looked in more detail at the Moon and how it orbits Earth. We learned that the Moon is 239,000 miles away from Earth and that it takes just over 27 days to orbit the Earth. Did you know that we only ever see one side of the Moon? Amazingly, we learned that the Moon doesn’t actual have it’s own light and that we only see it because the light from the Sun reflects off the surface of the Moon. As the Earth orbits our planet, the amount of the Moon we can see differs and this splits into eight phases – New Moon, Waning Gibbous, Waning Quarter, Waning Crescent, Full Moon, Waxing Gibbous, Waxing Quarter and Waxing Crescent. We learned that when the Moon is in the ‘Waxing’ phase, the amount of the Moon we see gets bigger and when it is in its ‘Waning’ phase, we see less of the Moon. We then worked in mini crews to recreate the phases of the Moon using Oreos! We even got to eat them afterwards!

The Movement of The Earth

To kick start Case Study 1, we looked at the movement of Earth in relation to the Sun and Moon. We did a lot of research by watching and interactive video that gave us quiz questions throughout, testing that we were paying attention and taking in all of the facts. We then came together as a crew to make a video that detailed everything we learned. Our main facts were:

  • The Earth moves in two different ways: 1. It rotates on its axis. 2. It orbits around the Sun.
  • It takes the Earth 24 hours (1 day) to rotate fully on its axis.
  • It takes the Earth 365 and a quarter days (1 year) to orbit the Sun. 
  • When we are facing towards the sun, we get day time.
  • When we are facing away from the sun, we get night time. 
  • The Sun appears to move across the sky but it doesn’t. 
  • The Sun stays where it is and Earth’s rotation makes it disappear.

You can see our video by scanning this QR code:

Blitz poetry in MI

Today we used all the knowledge we have gained over our last few expeditionary lessons to create poems on the Blitz. First of all we created an anchor chart together with lots of different language on the Blitz, some examples included damage, emotional, community and homes. We then looked at different nouns that linked to the Blitz. From here we added a verb to each of our nouns. Some of the crew then looked at prepositional phrases and added an example to further develop our sentence. We then went a step further adding some different similes to our poems. There were some fantastic ideas today, great work MI 🙂

‘To have’ verb

Today in grammar, we have been learning about the ‘to have’ verb. We learned that the ‘to have’ verb shows when you own something or hold something.

Has is used when talking about 1 noun.
Have is used for more than one as well as with you and I.
Had is used to show the past tense.